Bac water what brand do you use?


Well-known member
I’ve gotten a different hcg this time, most come with bac water this one did not. Seen on Ebay and amazon different brands. In your opinion are these trusted? Do you have a recommendation on a brand? Or should I just go ask the pharmacy? I’m pretty sure you don’t need a prescription, but could be wrong?
I try find on ebay or amazon and i cant. Do you have a link?

Most of the time i use that one:
Yea like @Czworeczki said the Hospira bac is the best, used to be all over eBay and Amazon, can’t find em anymore though, I use now from a research chems company, alot of em have it if they sell Peptides also
You can type in BAC water and find a dozen or so companies. Most are from distributors. I use a couple different ones. The one @Czworeczki uses is what I use about 90% of the time.
Hospital (aka Pfizer) is the staple in Bacteriostatic water (among everything) and is available with multiple needs at

Sorry no links brother
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