Beginner First Cycle for lean muscle


I am a complete beginner in this. Been learning and getting an understanding of how and why everything works the way it does.
Im looking for straight guidance. I want to start my first cycle. Im 5’9", 175 lbs. And aiming to gain lean muscle. Thinking of Anavar but not sure what to stack it with and how much of everything I should take.
Also, I was possibly thinking of taking Test E, but not sure how much per week. Ive never used needles before so whats a good example someone can give a beginner like me. All your expertise if much appreciated.
Glad you are looking for information before getting into this. That said you should do a shit load more reading and research before asking about compounds and a cycle. There is a lifetime of reading on this site and others about compounds and 1st cycles. If that’s not for you, hours of reading and what not, hire a coach who has knowledge of these things and let them help you. Best of luck!
For a first cycle, I’d suggest running about 400mg of test, cyp or en, a week.

There are lots of videos on YouTube that’ll show you how to pin properly. Easiest way for most would be to pin the glute.

There’s a website out there that has all the pin locations, but for the life of me I cannot remember it.
Like everyone said, your taking a great approach doing your research! 500mg testosterone per week is a good first cycle. Test will be the base to most future cycles and needs to be used solo to determine your individual response to it. Research a proper pct, there’s a great article if you type “pct” into your magnifying glass. Research your dietary and nutritional needs as they change on cycle. Also research estrogen conversion and using aromatase inhibitors, you may not need them at first, but understand them before you begin.
I do keep a log and try to knock out workout goalsas often as i can. As for Diet, i do try to keep with the right amount of protein. Meats, chicken, rice, vegs. However, my diet is not the best, i do tend to eat whatever I want as my metabolism isnt bad. But yes, I do need to be more strict on that.
Diet. Diet. And Diet are keen for the lean look and getting to 12% is regimented daily. Under that it is insane. As far as lean muscle mass. Me, my summer cycle and I’m no where lean. But presentable and 57. 500mg test E pinning Monday/Thursday 250mg. 15 weeks. Week 9 I start in with Anavar. 100mg 50mg in the morning 50mg before PT. With my diet I can get close to 11-12% range. I usually am in bulk cycle forever. 😂. My BF hovers around 15-16 % in the winter. Just to give you a guess. I’ll never be that under 10% guy. I like beer and pizza. And I am on PEDs because I’ve been a power lifter forever. And being older, I need help to keep the young bucks at bay! 😂😂
I have been on TRT for years and found my Test ins are best as a Sub Cutaneous. Lowest portion of the and just 3 inches below navel to the right or left at the4 groin. Does not hurt. Twice a week with an insulin syringe Test result show good absorption All the best
Should i only do Test E alone before adding Anavar or am i able to have that stacked in the beginning?

And taking Test E, what are the best times and days to take it based on everyones experiences?
If you are going to jump into a cycle of anything, make sure you have bloodwork done and have a checkup, everything I’ve learned so far is this is a science, you have to know your body and the stuff your going to use. Know everything about the stuff you use before putting it in your body. You can harm yourself and your organs. Quickly if you don’t do some research, there’s lots of info out there for mass building, and cutting, so stay safe. And don’t rush it either.
Test alone. 9th week add Anavar. Test will give you strength and mass gains (of course increased diet and workout as well). Anavar start week 9 will start to help give that ripped look. (again work your diet. Fewer calories more volume training) I pin in the morning. Just because I always have. Some pin at night before bed. Up to you. I think you should ask for some training advice. There are a few that can set you up with a great diet and plan. @PHD and @Raphael3636 you can talk to. Or do some serious research here on the categories…
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I like you am doing my first cycle of 500mg a week of Test C 250 twice a week on Monday and Thursday.

My first pin I tried the thigh but I didn’t like it so I did my stomach fat an inch to the left or right of the belly button

I heard glutes are good but I like being able to see the needle in case I aspirate.
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I’ll try a glute some time. I was just scared as in I never pinned before and didn’t want to inject oil into my blood vessel hehe

Thanks for info
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