Best cycle for strength


New member
Anyone got any advice on the best cycle for strength trying to up my bench from 140kg to 150 I’ve run a cycle of test en 250mg a week for 8 weeks looking for something more strength based
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Thanks guys I was thinking about running tren e 400mg a week along with test e 300mg a week but could I mix superdrol with them? And I’ve only run one cycle of test e before
I agree @swole88 I’m also a huge fan of it, and I don’t enjoy any other oral, mostly cause they screw with my appetite, I will in the near future acquire some inject superD
Tren e @400/wk, and test e @300wk is my favorite stack. I’ve ran that exact cycle many times for 12-20 weeks. Its likely to be my next cycle as well, I will do 16 weeks. I was thinking of adding the superdrol from weeks 9-12. I’ve done this with dbol and really liked it.
Halo works wonders. I’ve ran it with about 800mgs Sust
600mgs Deca
I did 40mgs ED split dosages and 20 mgs before training for 6 weeks. Used it while PL and had PR’s. Best compound for me.
Make sure diet is solid.
Honestly all depends on you and how you respond to certain compounds like orals. If you respond well to them stuck with orals. If not then look into 19nor because honestly they work wonders. All depends on you and you responses to these compounds. But personally I like oral dbol because it’s easy to take and easy to put on weight. It doesn’t mess with my appetite so I’m good. With 19nor’s I get sides too soon so I’ve had to work around it.
If this is only going to be your second cycle I would probably stay away from tren. If you do use it as @n3rd said use acetate so if you have bad side effects you can stop and it will be out of your system in a day.

If your main goal is to put 25 pounds on your bench you could hit that with 500mg test/week. If you use enanthate (or any long ester) you want to run at least 10 to 12 weeks.

If you do add an oral start low and see how you feel, check you BP regularly. You can increase dose of it’s working for you. Like @swole88 said Superdrol will make you strong as hell. If you choose that 10mg/day will probably be all you need. Definitely dont go over 20.

I would still recommend just going with 500mg test. Get enough for 16 weeks. Get some Superdrol. If you aren’t where you want to be at 10 weeks add the Superdrol. If you get there with the test save the Superdrol for the next cycle.
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Like most previous said, adding an oral could work wonders. Personally I like anadrol, but everyone is different. I also like NPP, as it is going to allow for your ligaments to get stronger and keep up with the strength of your muscles.
Thanks guys I’m going to try run tren ace 350mg instead of tren e just in case the sides are to bad and then I can get off quicker should I change my test to test p or will it be fine along with test e and I might run superdrol to but at a lower dose of 10-15mg
I wouldn’t suggest running tren and sdrol both on your second cycle. Those are 2 powerful compounds. If you do definitely do one after the other. Either one alone will make you stronger than you’ve ever been. Enanthate would be fine. I prefer long esters for bulk. I would choose prop for a cut or strength cycle. 100 test prop and 100 tren ace EOD would be a good cycle to build some solid muscle and strength.
I agree you shouldn’t do Tren and sdrol together the first time using them. Try new things separately so you know exactly which compound is giving you the pros and cons you’re experiencing. I always run Tren A at only 30 mg/day with good results and only a couple back zits for sides
Okay I’m going to run tren ace first with prop I was planning on using ace from the start but then I changed to enanthate because I heard the sides were easier to deal with