Best time to pin and take orals


Staff member
Thought I’d start a post about pinning and taking orals. I’ll give you the old man schedule that seems to work for me. Now some items I’ve yet to try (will be trying soon TRENA) maybe you can give me your take.
OK. Let’s go.

Test C or E
I’ve always pinned on Monday/Thursday schedule and in the evenings. Just always liked to go to bed on it and if I have PIP it’s hardly noticed.
Don’t know if it’s in my head, but always pinned the same schedule as Test. Makes my joints and tendons “feel” better. Not a huge strength gain like the test but good.
These little mother fuckers. I take 3 hours before workouts. Only one 50. If I try Spread it out I’ve the day for elevated levels, I go to bed and can feel my heart beat in my neck. I have a real love/hate relationship with these bitches.
Never a problem take 25 after breakfast. 25 before the gym.
Anavar or Winstrol
I take an hour before the gym. I get very bad shattered glass tendons with Winny, but if I am on Deca, not so much.
I take before bed. Don’t know why, just always have.

All orals I take with food or protein shake. Keeps the heartburn and acid reflux down.

Now. This by no means is the best. But what I feel works for me. I am curious on TRENA and thoughts on best time to take it.
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I think consistency is the key. As far as Tren A goes I personally like to pin everyday. Remember it’s short estered. I know a ton of guys that pin EOD with great results. As long as you stay in the window of EOD you’ll be fine. The reason I pin everyday is to keep sides minimal and blood levels stable.
Yea man everyones different brotha. What works for you might not be idea for next man. You get used to pinning ED after awhile. I generally run all short estered compounds anymore. Even on Sust I still pin EOD.
I rotate left and right sides so I could manage ED. I pin glute/thigh/delt using the old left right left trick. I had some over mg Test once I did just one side to start, and I walked around like a zombie. 😂
Just heard good and bad on tren and I have sleep issues. So was afraid to acerbate the sitrep. I and going to start light 50mg eod. See how that effects me.
My plan is 50mg EOD to check my tolerance. I might bump it to ED if I can live with it. I think that should be a good start. Or is that too low of dosage?
200mg weekly trenbalone acetate is administered to cattle up to 6 weeks prior to slaughter. We aren’t cattle bro. We already push the limits with most compounds as it. Tren is not one of those compounds to push the envelope on. Go easy. 300 to 350mg a week is on the high end for most users on Ace.
OK. Thanks for the advice. I’ll stick to 50mg EOD that would alternate 150 and 200. That should be a good start? Or should I do a Monday/Wednesday/Friday type of schedule for my first run?

BTW. Thanks for all the input!!
Eod will have you landing on different days of each week. I started logs and i use a dry erase board for scheduling injections , that way i dont fuck up . My 1st tren ace cycle i did 100mg twice a week and got bad sides for some reason , but when i spread them out ed or eod i see great improvement. And if you like the tren ace and dont get bad sides, i suggest tren en . I love it
I definitely recommend ED as I’ve found a lot of guys, including myself, claim it helps keep sides at bay. EOD would put you at 200mg then 150mg the following week. Rinse and repeat. That’s definitely solid for a first run. With my experience, I tried the M, W, F deal and it was terrible for me. EOD got much better but I still had to cut my run short. ED and i was able to run it a few weeks longer. Again these are my experiences though.
I have a log I keep for every cycle. It includes when I pin or take. PIP or none, how I feel after pin or dropping oral. Diet, mood. And workout. I was a repeater of bad habits till I started logging everything. But now with a smart phone it’s easy to daily log. Plus there are tons of apps to use. (Modify a Ute log for example) thanks for the advice tho!!
I feel you man. I stopped srupid behavior like pinning suspension just cause . And not knowing how the orals affected me with each cycle .
DBOL always a PWO for me never spead it out.
The aromasin or arimidex or even letrozole you should take with a fatty meal something about the fat in the meal helps its bioavailability
For me, it’s all about relaxing the thigh. A good massage after the pin. First virgin pin I had PIP for 3 days. But learned to relax and massage after the injection. Now PIP is 24 hours or less.
Thighs are like my goto very easy just hit the right spot alot of veins and nerves.
Check out some Google images before pinning and you will hit perfect especially if you have decent sized legs it makes it even easier
Super simple bro. Placement and procedure is everything. Honestly I prefer thighs over anywhere else. There is a lot of nerves and nerve endings in the thighs and guys tend to rush pins that they can easier. I don’t know why but they do. Slow the pace of the injection for these. Like 45 to 60 seconds per milliliter of oil. You can pin in 2 spots on the thighs. The vastus lateralis (side of thigh) and the rectus femoris (front of thigh) To find the placement is pretty simple. Start in the front of the thigh. Stand straight up and draw an imaginary line from the anterior iliac Crest (the small bone that protrudes just below your oblique) to the center of the knee. Place your heel of your hand about 1" below that bone and extend your fingers flat towards the knee with your middle finger on that imaginary line. Just past your middle finger, about 1/4" is where you will pin the rectus femoris. If you want to pin the side of your thigh, the vastus lateralis, you basically draw an imaginary line, from where you pinned the rectus femoris, to the outside of your thigh, right in the middle.

