Blood work complete - can I get some advice?


Hey Gents!

I started my first cycle on Oct 5th on 1cc of 250mg of Test cyp a week. I wanted to wait until I had my blood work done to decide on an A.I. and how much to take. I got my bloodwork done before the cycle so I knew where I was and just had my blood work done this weekend. Below are my most recent results. All areas in red that are indicated “high” were not high on my first test prior to the cycle. Any help on how to decrease my liver enzymes and which AI to take for estrogen? Also should I be concerned about the FSH and LH being so low?

Thank you all so much!

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More water intake. Do not lift before a blood draw. Heavy lifting will cause high creatine levels as well I like Adex myself. I respond pretty quickly and I only use .25mg twice a week. Some take .5mg twice a week. Take it the day after you pin and not the same day you pin. See how that does for you. Better to start low and work up. That is my advice for you
I agree with TBU, start low with AI drugs and work up. Crashing estrogen sucks, don’t wanna start playing that game. He likes adex, I like exemestane. I feel better using it, like I can manage estrogen better with it, I think because it’s suicidal and works quickly.

After getting e2 in range, allow me to suggest increasing your injection frequency to at least 2x/wk. I do everyday subQ. Less test at once means less estrogen being aromatized at once. Also, some estrogen is metabolized in the liver. So, your enzyme numbers will improve and you will likely find you need to use less AI this way.
Those numbers look pretty good to me. The E2 is a bit high, no doubt, but if you are not experiencing any E2 sides–bloat, irritability, puffy or sore nipples, etc.–then I’d be hesitant to use an AI. My E2 was very close to that on a similar dosage, so I moved to EOD injections, added some Masteron, and take some natural E2 reducing supplements. So far, that has done the trick, though I have not measured E2 for a couple of months now. If you do start an AI, I agree with the other posts in this thread: definitely start very, very low–perhaps .25mg of Adex twice weekly or something similar.
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Yes i agree with everyone on the ai i take adex .5 eod and pin test c monday and Thursday. If you bottom out your estrogen you will have headaches and joint pain i did that mistake not following my trt dr instructions because i couldn’t understand him clearly when i Skype d him the dr only wanted me only my adex 1mg every other day for the first 2 weeks because it was high like yours. but i never dosed down for like a month and when i went back to have my blood checked only because i new something was up my estrogen was in the negative. And yes drink lots of water and dont workout like 24 hours before and no sex too because it will rise your psa levels if thats a concern. And if you carry alot of fat in your mid section and in your chest pocket i call it be careful your more prone to gyno on high testosterone. I wouldn’t go any higher on the mg yet
Thank you all for the advice I greatly appreciate it. I will begin looking to get an AI and will start very low dose. I am already drinking close to a gallon of water a day and have extremely low body fat, but I do notice some sore nipple symptoms so I will def get my E2 levels back to normal range.
You have to jump on those gyno symptoms quickly with aromasin and nolvadex once gyno happens it doesn’t go away without surgery.
Im not sure how bad your experiencing but be careful brother
Thanks for looking out. This is my first cycle and I am now at the end of the 12th week and was initially going to cycle off but I was advised to “cruise” and just add HCG and aromasin or arimidex. Would you advise to come off completely and switch over to a PCT or just add an A.I. and HCG if I plan on starting back up again in the summer? Our sponsors here are great, just trying to decide which avenue I should head down…the blast/cruise or cycle off completely with a PCT.
I just read this post and your cycle sounded like you were on your way to trt and now cycle off if you still can and if you can’t then its trt for life
I definitely don’t want TRT for life. I’ve been on 1cc of Test Cyp 250 a week for 12 weeks now. For my PCT do you think doing HCG, Clomid, and Nolvadex is too much for my first PCT? I am trying to determine the best path for long term health and success and appreciate any advice.
Thanks man, I appreciate the help. I have been taking advice and help from someone I met at the gym who has been doing this for a long time but is also doing TRT and then I found this board. I am glad I did as I dont want TRT for life. Ok so I’ll order the nolva and HCG today and start HCG as soon as I get it. I was looking to start HCG 5 days after my last injection at 500 IUs a day. for 10 days. Then switch to Nolva 40mg a day for 18 days and then 20mg a day for 14days. How would you recommend me adding clomid into this? Or would you do the PCT different entirely? Sorry for the essay, I really appreciate the advice.
Do you think I should start aromasin and nolvadex right now and cycle off all together? I’m not having any gyno symptoms or high estrogen symptoms which is weird. I was going to do a blast and cruise as during my cruise just run an A.I. and add HCG.
Yes I believe that you should pct because its your first cycle after the amount of time you werd on plus the time it took to pct then you can start again with another cycle