SB Labs

bpc-157 - the peptide that heals -domestic shipping @ psl


BPC-157 (Body Protective Compound-157) is a peptide derived from a naturally occurring protein in the human body. This peptide has gained an increasing amount of attention over the years and rightfully so, as we will discuss further. It was first studied in the 1990s, but did not come into widespread use until the last several years.

I want to start share my own personal experience with BPC-157. My first experience goes back to around 2-3 years ago. I had an old injury with my quad that I had gotten during barbell squatting around 3 years prior to using BPC-157. I was working out with some friends and we were doing strictly powerlifting, so low reps and high weight. I was very inexperienced and didn`t know what I was doing. As a result, I tried to squat too much to quickly resulting in this injury. I was and still am a TERRIBLE powerlifter. No matter how strict I am on form I end up injured. Since then I`ve moved to strictly bodybuilding style lifting and I no longer have issues, but I digress.

Time would not heal this quad injury despite me not squatting at all. Anytime I tried to squat over the next couple of years it just hurt so badly that I was unable to do the full movement. I assumed my short time squatting was over forever. I had even went about 8 months with little to no quad training. That all changed after I discovered BPC-157. I ran this peptide for a shoulder injury; and I was injecting it into my delt as some sources said to inject as close to the injury as possible. Not only did the BPC heal my shoulder but I`ll be damned if it didn`t heal that chronic quad injury I had for years as well. It surprised me because this meant the “localized healing only” claim was debunked. Some time passed and I was doing leg extensions which had previously always been painful since getting that injury, but I realized that my quad had healed. I thought about it and realized that after having this injury for a few years the only thing that changed was the fact that I had ran BPC-157. Fast forward to the present and it has never given me any trouble since my first time running BPC-157.

I also have chronic inflammation due to an autoimmune disease. I use BPC quite often during times of elevated inflammation and there is not a doubt in my mind that it really helps. It also helps quickly, unless I wait until the inflammation is off the charts, in which case it takes 1-2 weeks before it starts to level back out. Does it cure inflammation? No, unfortunately it does not but it makes it MUCH more tolerable and brings it from a very elevated level down to my baseline.

So what exactly can YOU expect from BPC-157? I`m not going to sit here and tell you that a complete tear in your ACL for example that needs surgery is going to magically heal with BPC-157. If you have a partial tear then you may want to give this stuff a try prior to reverting to surgery, When I think of this I think of a complete tear having separation to the point of it not being able to “heal” back together which is where surgery comes into play as someone needs to go in there and physically put it back together so it can heal. As to where a partial tear doesn`t have this full separation and it could very possibly heal back together.

If you are training multiple times per week, BPC-157 will help your overall muscle skeletal tissue repair at a faster rate potentially allowing you to train a muscle group sooner than you otherwise would of been able to had you not used it.

What even is this stuff?

It is a peptide consisting of 15 amino acids and is naturally occurring in human gastric juices that heal our intestines. By using BPC-157 we are taking something that is naturally present and introducing it to our system at a much higher quantity than what we would otherwise have. In my experience the side effects are non-existent and this is coming from someone who gets ALL the side effects from basically anything I put into my body. 😊

Many people take it orally as it can heal stomach ulcers and Improve digestive system disorders. I can personally say that I`ve experienced improvements in GI inflammation by taking it IM or Sub Q.

I generally use 500mcg a day. Ideally you would split this into two 250mcg shots AM/PM, but I always take the full 500mcg before bed as I hate taking shots in the AM (I hate mornings, I am not a morning person and people that are morning people are borderline crazy 😊).

BPC-157 is believed to accelerate collagen production and enhancing blood vessel formation as well. I can speak for its usage for joint injuries as I`ve also used it for tendonitis in my elbows.

I find 6-8 weeks of daily BPC-157 usage to be about right for most injuries. More minor injuries and improvement in inflammation disorders generally require a shorter run of BPC-157. With that being said, I`ve also made the mistake of not running it long enough, stopping prematurely, and the issue returning due to it not being completely healed/resolved.

To wrap this up: If you have a nagging injury, IBS, stomach ulcers, an inflammatory disorder, a virus causing systemic inflammation, painful joints, tendonitis, or basically anything that involves inflammation then you may want to give BPC-157 a try. If you have an injury that you want to try and heal utilizing BPC-157 then keep in mind that similar to your body’s natural healing process, you need to limit usage of the injured body part during the healing process.

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