I have tried to not follow and powerlifting but it’s like I’m a historian. I love other sports bit for some reason bbing is just a addictive sick sport/hobby/lifestyle. It didn’t do anything positive I can think of. Didn’t get me the chicks, could of got lots of dudes but …it’s judged , there’s politics it is hard as fuck. I mean 6 % bf is still fat and water logged. I have a hard time believing some of the numbers and 5 % bf looks different on different guys. So , its just crazy especially in late 80s and through 90s. Freaks love freaks so back then big dudes got strippers and escorts and if you were good they might even pay for your expenses. If you were able and willing dudes would pay even more. Yes , you would choose but I can’t name ten bbers I knew that didn’t have GHB and nubain in they’re fanny pack. So as I reminense about all these rumors I read about. It was fun. Top five? Heath , I don’t care much for his persona but Dexter would be the only one you could say would “represent” better , Ramy second but like MBT said, Ramy should get separation especially front quads. And I think he would win possibly…Cedric or deasha third the other fourth , Dexter fifth …Curry Winkler could suprise