Buy silver and gold if you're an investor

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I don’t know if our brothers and sisters who invest have seen that
silver dropped around $1.50 an oz
Gold is down almost $100 an oz

This is the dip buy now but only if you can plan on holding your investment for 6 months atleast I believe that both are going to shoot way up as investors know this drop is because there going to raise interest rates because of inflation and investors sold there holding.

This is not me telling you to invest im not a professional I probably don’t know what im talking about and you shouldn’t listen to me but check out investing if you have big money go for gold. If you have little money go for silver.

I wish I had money to invest right now I would personally buy as much gold as possible
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Its a good idea. I personally though am gonna spend my money on my car maybe a bike 😛 I am considering selling my house, and if I do it’ll be asap
Really I was just talking to someone about how there house value had exploded and he was wanting to sell also but he said he needs to find another house for him to live in because his house would sell so fast he wouldn’t have a place to live.
I was surprised but I guess houses are worth alot right now
They are and I do see it as a bubble. When the bubble bursts I don’t see my house losing value too much below what I purchased it at. So it’s more of a choice of sell now, or like 4+ years down the road.
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