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Calorie Intake vs. Job


Well-known member
I’ve always wondered how the guys who have more demanding jobs (i.e. construction or trades) where youre in the field and elements burning way more calories then guys who have a more sedentary office jobs, is it much harder to not only get your meals in, but make up for the amount of calories your expending during work?

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Damn this is a good post. I often think to myself “man, if I had a more active job I could be more of a fatty” 😂😂😂 but it wouldn’t always be a blessing. Especially since for most of those it likely would be very hard to pack food and eat on a schedule. I’m lucky to have a job I can always get my meals in.
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This is where a ‘feeding window’ comes in handy. Using a feeding window is similar to intermittent fasting. Using a feeding window your not so focused on nutrient timing but more is daily totals. For example you might get a breakfast in before work and a heavy snack midday. After work is your feeding window. You consume the balance of your calories for the day before bed. Getting the majority of your carbs as early a possible during the post work feeding window.

Anyone who does this for a hobby and has difficulties getting regular meal times can easily incorporate a ‘feeding window’ into their day. Its not the best way too intake calories but it is much better than missing the daily calorie goal.

Concerning replenishing calories used at work we can adjust our TDEE and make adjustments to our daily calorie total based on need or specific goal.

This is just one way to do it.
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Thanks God i have always been able to have my meals with me and eat them every 2 hours. For the last 8 years my life was extremely active…6-8 hours of walking Mondays thru Saturdays; for the last 2 months i am experiencing a high level of growth in what i do and my responsibilities and job description has changed to something less physical , less calories been burnt, which is a wonderful opportunity to do extra cardio.
Good question. Most my jobs have been demanding. I travel for work so to me prepping my meals is a must. If you are serious at all about training or even just a little bit serious having your food with you is a must and no excuses not to be prepared. I’ve worked outside in the elements for years and I always ate all my meals. Now my job isn’t as demanding but still it can be at times.

I don’t agree with the “feeding window” method at all. You need to feed your body throughout the day not try to jam it all in at one time just to get your calories in. That’s how you get fat.

Great post.
@PHD despite what many people might think some people do not get the opportunity to carry their meals with them and their jobs simply do not allow them to eat when it is necessary… take the men and women in the military… or the roughneck stationed on an oil rig… etc. I spent a many of days and /or nights for years without access to food for whatever reason(s). It’s not always a perfect world and compromises are necessary. Certainly you ‘can’ get fat from jamming the majority of your food in during a feeding window but if you are eating the right foods and burning the correct amount of calories it ‘can’t’ happen. I am not advocating it. It is simply an option to consider if an individuals job demands do not allow proper meal times.

When things are not perfect we can learn to adapt and overcome. 😉
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I agree myself. Many of those careers are an ‘eat when you can’ career hopefully getting in the right amount carbs, protein, and fats in a sometimes a very limited or erratic work environment. In my career we sometimes may eat lunch at 2:00 and dinner at 10PM.
Great couple answer posts brother. It made me look at how I plan my meals and eating in general differently, and I realized that the bulk of my intake of cals cones between 5pm and when I go to bed, which has been working for me, but I feel that I need to get more in early on in the day but struggle with accomplishing that
I’ve dieted for shows like you described, have done that for twenty years. My body responded to things that were opposites of what is supposed to be. I must say it was tough and I believe AAS can provide help when diet and training isn’t perfect. I’ve had a career that I would do 4 x 14 hours from 1830 to 0700 plus travel. On my feet a ton, sitting but never being able to eat 5 meals on a shift. I would have to sneak and eat in the restroom or go on a “smoke break” I also did the dreaded carbs before bed. The worst thing you can do with overnights is on off days try to switch schedule. I think anything done with dedication and consistency will work. I did better when I was instinctively getting food in. I pretty much would have my macros in order, and that’s it. But that’s genetics, training like it’s your last day and whatever. Did some years I get to do double splits and sleep and eat in between with no “work” ? Yep. Unfortunately, at that TIME the access to supplements were sketchy. What would I prefer? More access to better supplements. That’s my honest assessment if I was competing.
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Im lucky enough to sit in a control room that has a/c and get all my meals in timely. Ive had jobs were i worked 12 hard ass hours busting my ass. I think do whatever you have to do to get your calories in obviously if possible eating every 2-3hours but if not than using a window to get it accomplished. Life is not always accommodating or perfect but with proper planning anything can be done!

Thats my myfitnesspal for today!! Not my highest calorie count currently but its holding me at 260lbs in very decent condition off-season. Slowly climbing up i dont like to ever gain any fat if possible obviously its possible but have to do it very slowly and deliberately calories have to be dead on point everyday
I was once 318lbs bro this is downsized for me lol i felt like a fkn sumo at that size i literally sounded like Darth Vader breathing and full blown sweat doing everything so uncomfortable and unhealthy
Unfathomable to me haha part of me wants to get up to like 215 since I’m 6 foot but I feel like It’s take an eternity to get there and stay somewhat lean. I’ve akso never ran a true bulk cycle. I should suck it up and try deca/dbol someday but gyno scares the shit outta me. 😂😂
Gotta get after it bro! Do a contolled bulk. Gotta start at a very low bodyfat % and bulk slowly and steadily until you hit 12% then recomp until you are back down to low level and repeat. And you will need to go up on gear too brotha