Classic bulking cycle thoughts


Good morning
I’m looking to run a 12 week classic bulking cycle of dbol, deca and test. I’ve only been messing around with gear for the last couple of years and currently have 3 cycles (12 weeks each) under my belt. These consist of two cycles of straight test and one of just sustanon. The test and deca I’ll use twice a week but my question lies with the dbol. What’s a good starting dose and for how many weeks? Also how long into the cycle before getting blood work done? As always thanks in advance.
@JLee first this is a classic bulk in manys tool box so great choice. I am also very happy to hear you are building in more compounds as you go. The usual goto for this cycle would be below im using my mg/ml ratio.

16 week bulking cycle
Test Ent 250- 1.5cc E3D
Deca 300- 1cc E3D
Dbol- 25mg AM 25mg PM
Arimidex- .5mg 2x weekly
Nolvadex on hand

This will be a great start at what you are looking to accomplish. All the best OP!
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This is what I have been running.
Test Ent 250- 1.5cc E3D weeks 1-16
Deca 300- 1cc E3D weeks 1-12
Dbol 25 pwo and 25 in afternoon weeks 1-5
Adex .5 twice a week

Currently I’m thinking of blasting HCG 2 weeks after last injection for 2 weeks then following the standard Nolva and clomid protocol.

Here is my week 6 blood work
Estrogen looks high, BUT it also looks like that test says 8000?! If that’s the case that’s a solid ratio haha.

Deca is gonna take longer to clear out of your system. Good call on running test 4 weeks after last Deca pin. I’ve never blasted HCG, I usually run it through my cycle Into my pct.

Keep us updated on how that works for you. I’m thinking you are putting on some monster size with those numbers.
Dude you’re gonna be fucking huge. I’m 245 and feel like I can’t fit in a car. You would feel like a shrimp at that weight 😂😂
30 lbs so far. Definitely carrying some water. But so far so good. I’m a little surprised myself at the Test #s but I’m new to doing blood work so I don’t know what to expect.
I remember talking to you about that bloodwork and was shocked how high your numbers were lmao. Now @JLee has double that. I had to look twice when I saw 8,000. Holy shit!!! Jlee must have been a walking hard on. Hahahahah
That’s what I figured. I know he isn’t a sponsor here anymore but damn. I had my best and cleanest feeling when running his test. And never ever had pip from it. His Tren gave me a little pip. But I love the compounds I got from him all cept the Tren. But that’s just me and Tren we don’t get along.