Crusing advise please

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Those of you who are very familiar with cruising. I’m 4 weeks off cycle doing 200mg of cypionate a week I’ve donated blood getting bloodwork done in 4 weeks if I can. But I wanna know what I can take while cruising without affecting my body like I’m back on cycle. Will 40mg of anavar be decent time to time for a lil added cut?
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I cruise on 280mg a week. So that keeps me on 750 range. So 200mg a week would be a cruise. For about 90% of the TRT people. And I would never cruise on an oral. That’s just a bad idea in my opinion.
You’ll get a lot of opinions on whether or not your still “cruising” when you start to add different compounds together for a cruise, but a low dose of deca would be fine to add, also I wouldn’t typically advise using an oral on a cruise, but var can be ran for very long periods, many months, so you could use it during a bridge. Personally I think my body needs time off from multiple compound blasts and I think I benefit from trt doses between blasts.
I think most of us that blast and cruise do the cruise to give a break of multiple compounds. I cruise solely on Test. I’ve never taken another compound while on my cruise. Like @McSwickles said. Your body needs time off and get a recover from the blast.
Good advice. Was trying to research ghis myself today. And wondering how long will i have to plan ahead for in these wierd times.
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I plan on cruising till fall season. Im thinking about adding a fast acting compound like npp or primo ace around end of may beginning of June then drop “other compound” . Only reason I want to add something is beach trip planned for July as long as covid shit doesn’t screw it up. Just a quick recomp before I go. Google only has dumbass juice heads you know the the ones who think more is always better. Anyways there are serval ppl on here with the knowledge and personal experience that google can’t match. So I’m sure I’m better off just asking for a little help here.
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Seeing as you want to run a mini cycle, but call it a cruise like most guys do, you can add on whatever you like, add it all on.
I always cruise with GH, lower doses to when I blast but it is still in there. I think a good safe compound to add would be Proviron. Other then that dude give yourself a break man it’s what a cruise is. I’m starting a cruise at the end of the week. 250mg - 300mg Test Cyp and 3iu GH (on GH year round) and that’s it, most likey gonna stay on that till gyms reopen. Unless I can talk my wife into ripping out my basement and install a gym lol
I’ve been on letgo and FB. You’d be surprised what you can get for free for gym equipment. Most just ask you to come break it down and take it away.
I missed out on a squat rack, smith machine and 450 pounds of weights cuz I missed his text. Was free to whoever wants it. I asked if he still had it. Said yes text me back, work got in the way. And another guy got it. I was pissed. All free. FML
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