Cutting on dbol

Cutting on npp and d-bol; i like that is all about proper nutrition and cardio…wel am a firm believer you can use npp for anything, great compound
Case in point of everybody’s chemistry is different. Me, while I LOVE Dbol for strength gains, I gain 7-8 pounds in a couple weeks. End up a little mooned face from water retention. Come off of it after 4 weeks. In a week or two lose that water weight. I always used Dbol as a jump start to my test cycle. By week 4 the test strength is good to go. I come off Dbol. But that’s my body. I’d love to stay lean on Dbol but just can’t. 😑
Copy. I’ll try that as soon as I burn through this Dbol. 😂 I’ll buy some for this next cycle After I try this TrenA cycle. Thanks for the tip!
A lot of the dbol bloating is over blown and caused by poor diet. How do I know? I was guilty of it before. Blamed it on the dbol and not me scarfing down everything since i’m “bulking”