Cycle advice input etc


Well-known member
Just a quick question, what can I expect gain wise doing tpp npp, what should the dosage be, as it comes 100/100.
I don’t care much for Deca, and I’ve done the tren a but find it hard to eat. Also thoughts on hcg, I have been cruising for 4 years 250 mg a week.

Looking for gains, without bloat , strength gains, while maintaining caloric intake and it not being suppressed. Appreciate any feed back.
I’m 5’9 200lbs
43 years old. Thanks fellas
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I would keep your trt dose at 250 like you have been, with the npp/tpp @100mg a good safe beginning dose would be 1/2 ml ED (50mg/50mg). You could also do 1ml EOD. At 325mg a week of both is a safe and responsible dose. More advanced protocols would call for 3/4 ml ED (75mg/75mg) or even 1ml ED. Have caber/prami and an AI on hand for prolactin and estrogen issues, use as needed. As far as what gains can be made that all comes down to your diet and training, remember diet will play the most crucial role on what your outcome is.
Right on, I’ve never had any sides from Deca tren. Cyp enth sustanon d bol etc never a single side, is that strange? At first I had acne aka back acne, but that all subsided.
Sure man, mast p is very common in a stack like that. You could run mast p at the same doses or even higher, depending on what your goal/look your trying to acheive.
Mast p can flaten you out though, if you do encounter flatness bump up carbs and sodium a lil higher. But in all honesty with npp that shouldn’t be an issue. I just got off npp a lil bit ago and it kept me full as fuck.
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Hey brother I was surprised that you would go with mast e over mast p.
Ive been looking into masteron more lately and what I read points to mast p performing better. I believe that you have taken both before do you believe that the enanthate ester version is a better choice than propionate?
Im just interested in your experience with masteron ive yet to use it because in the past my bf% wasn’t were it needed to be to run masteron in my opinion. Im looking forward to running it once I get tightened up.
When you’re in prep I’d use mastP if not in prep I really like maste. I’ve made some pretty good gains in my offseason using maste. That’s just me personally though. Plus you don’t have to do it eod like you would using mastP
Personally I’d go with mastE. MastP is really good when you’re cutting and already fairly lean. That’s just my opinion though brother. Keep
Me posted on what you decide.