Cycle advice- Week vacation in the middle


Well-known member
Question for the smart guys and gals out there. About to get rolling on a new training plan that will include the use of Testosterone as the primary supplement, 500mg/wk with an oral kick start. I also have a week vacation that requires a domestic flight in the middle of the cycle.

Question is this: How detrimental will missing a pin be? If I pin on a Wed for example and can’t again until 6 days later is that an absolute no-go? I understand the need to keep blood levels as consistent as possible which is why I am asking. Thanks all…
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It won’t ruin your cycle just come back and get back on.
While away try to atleast do some maintenance work outs
If using enanthate or cypionate your levels won’t drop that fast if using fast esters then it would be an issue
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You can travel with your gear. Put it in a sock inside a shoe and put it in your checked luggage not your carry on. As long as domestic. International don’t take the chance