Cycle after shoulder injury thoughts?


Staff member
So, I’m at about 75% on my shoulder. Been doing light work in prep for my first Tren cycle. I wanted to throw this out and see what some of you thought or and tweaks you might recommend
Week 1-4 50mg Dbol
Week 1-12 500mg SUST Mon/Thurs injection
Week 6-12 TrenA 50mg EOD
TRT 200 TestE every Mon/Thurs cruise.
When I say cruise that’s 100mg twice a week. Keeps me at 850-900 on my blood work.

Any thoughts or concerns? Please let me know what you think. Remember. This is my first ride on Tren
I agree with Raph that you should pin sust at eod. As for the Tren ace, I really believe it should be pinned daily. Pinning eod has it’s own fluctuations to deal with. I’d go 25mg daily. As for the concerns, if your shoulder isn’t 100% and this is your first go with Tren I would wait until your shoulder is better. The strength increases even at 200mg is crazy and you’ll likely re-injure your shoulder
Yes sir. I’m waiting till 100%. It’s killing me. I got everything lined up. 😂 Daily on Tren? I’ll have to think about that one. Is .25 mil going to have an effect? I get that it will be 175mg a week. Just seems strange. But I’ve never tried it so I guess I could run that.
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Well I like that thought. Just have to rotate 8 pin sites. 😂 I’ll give it a run like that. See how it works.
I will add this bit of advice too. The first 3 times I tried to use Tren, I experienced every side effect you could imagine that people talk about. Literally every single one. It was so deeply engraved in my brain that these sides were normal that I convinced myself I was having these sides. This time though, I did a sort of mental dump on all the bullshit and just decided to let Tren do what it does and see if I experienced anything different or if it was all placebo. Well I’ve been on Tren for about 4 or 5 weeks now and I have experienced almost 0 sides. Aside from some thermogenic activity during the day and some light night sweats I have nothing. Try not to get wrapped up in all the sides bullshit. Just have a clear mind and let Tren do what Tren does.