Cycle starting mid June/July


ICU nurse/Moderator
Hello gents,

So as I have stated before my previous cycles have always been test E/EQ. I’ve done low dose (test 250/EQ 350) and higher dose (test 450/EQ 500) and several variations in the same ball park. I tend to have smoother cycles keeping test lower than EQ. I will be venturing outside my little comfort zone on this one. I’m not planning on starting this until mid June/early July. I like to have things planned out in advance and make sure I have all I need and extras on hand.

This is all tentative and obviously I’m open to any and all suggestions and input on this run. Hell, you can tell me I’ve read all the wrong things and have this all fucked up and my feelings won’t be hurt at all.

1-3 Test Prop 100mg MWF (300/wk)
1-16 TPP/NPP 100/100mg eod (Ave 350/wk)
1-16 EQ 400-600mg a week.
17 test P 100mg mwf
18 test P 75mg mwf
19 test P 50mg mwf
20 test P 25mg mwf
1-20 proviron 50mg split am/pm
13-23 HCG 500mcg/wk
Caber .5mg tabs on hand
Aromasin 12.5mg tabs on hand

21-22 clomid 100/nolva 40
23-24 clomid 50/nolva 40

A few thoughts/questions:
Do I definitely need to run test higher than NPP? I have some extra test P and TPP on hand. I know some have said they let test run low and other compounds do their thing, and others can’t believe test would be run lower.

Does my taper Off need to start higher?

I will probably run cardarine towards the end and into the pct. I’ve had decent results with it in the past on its own. I have read of others using during pct and staying hard and dry during the pct.

I based this loosely off one of big Murph’s previous cycles that he had posted here a few years ago. Like I said, new to the NPP world and always want to make sure I’m safe and smart. Thanks for taking the time to read. THIS IS A TENTATIVE PLAN.
All thoughts, comments, criticisms, concerns, etc are welcome on this one!
Hey there and first off thanks for your service during this Covid mess!

Lets talk NPP or the baby ester to deca. First off its a 19 nor drug as im sure you’re aware so this needs to hold some precautions. With my athletes i tend to treat it the same as deca. So i personally would have my test base at a 2:1 ratio even though you are using a test prop ester so the aromatization is lower still needs to have be ran IMO at a slighty bumped dose.

I am also curious on your stance on the taper off method esp with eq given its long life
In the blood. Again my protocol would invoke front loading the eq to force receptor push and speed results and a immediate postive nitrogen balance in the blood stream.

Again this is all rough and not 120% not given your stats and current blood work alomg side with diet. If you csn provide that as well im sure we can all make you a incredible cy le ecompassing what youre trying to achieve.

Best OP
It looks great the only things that I would change would be the test prop should be an ed or eod inj. You can get a little bit of a roller coaster of hormones doing mwf with prop.
I wouldn’t actually use a taper up on this cycle because your tpp and npp will start to work within 5 days and I don’t believe that it would be good to take your testosterone up and then switch to just tpp which will put you on a roller coaster of hormones downward.

I would lay it out like this

1-16 TPP/NPP 100/100mg eod (Ave 350/wk)
1-16 EQ 400-600mg a week.
17 test P 100mg mwf
18 test P 75mg mwf
19 test P 50mg mwf
20 test P 25mg mwf
1-20 proviron 50mg split am/pm
10-20HCG 500mcg/wk
Caber .5mg tabs on hand take
Aromasin 12.5mg tabs on hand
3 days after last test prop pin and hcg pin start pct
21-22 clomid 100/nolva 40
23-24 clomid 50/nolva 40

I think that this will work out well I believe that you will need to watch your estrogen with tpp/npp blend or you might not have any issues at all but this is a great plan. You will have everything that you might need and this is a cycle that can give you good mass or cut depending upon the diet you take in per day.
NeuroRN said:
Do I definitely need to run test higher than NPP? I have some extra test P and TPP on hand. I know some have said they let test run low and other compounds do their thing, and others can’t believe test would be run lower.
I would only add more testosterone if you start to have nor19 side effects and I would use the TPP if possible so that way its the same ester.
NeuroRN said:
Does my taper Off need to start higher?
No it doesn’t because of the ester weight between prop and pp. You get more testosterone out of propionate and I believe that your taper will work great for you especially if you inj eod or ed just adjusting the dosage to fit this will keep your blood levels more stable.

I changed the hcg to wk 10-20 because you want to run it right up till pct which should be 3 days after your last inj of prop and hcg then start the clomiphene and nolvadex.

I love this cycle of testosterone and npp with proviron and tbol but this version is excellent and nandrolone and eq work very well together just donate blood and I believe that you will be very happy with the end result.
Just be safe and get blood work done so that you can know where you are during the cycle especially because its a longer cycle.

Good luck and good gains if you have any questions hit me up
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@Bigmurph thank you so much for the detailed response! I appreciate the time as always. You have always been such a great wealth of knowledge.

Everything you are saying makes perfect sense, and I will go ahead with this as the plan. I’ll post more detailed log once I begin. Looking forward to the good gains as always. Thanks again.
@Optumpharma thanks for the response! What’s your ideal front load dose? I’ve never front loaded the EQ just let it build on its natural schedule. I’ve seen it both ways, you need to front load, and you don’t. Why are you in favor of it?
The reason it takes so long for EQ to “start working” is due its very long half-life of about 2 weeks, and when dosed at less than an effective dose weekly, will gradually build up in the user’s system over time until it “levels off” (or in mathematical terms, approaches an asymptote). This tends to happen around the 8-10 week mark.

Let’s revisit high school chemistry. The amount remaining of a decaying substance can be calculated by multiplying the initial amount by 0.5 raised to the number of half lives that have passed. So for example, if one were to dose 500mg of a substance with a 2-week half life, after 1 week has passed (half of a half life) there will be 500* (0.5 (1/2 ) ) = 354mg remaining.

Side note: the 2 week half life is a close approximation, and everyone’s body chemistry is different, so results won’t be exactly the same from person to person. But they will be roughly similar and the overall principle definitely still applies.

Let’s say someone doses EQ at 500mg every week, a reasonable dose for someone new to the enhanced lifestyle. Same math applies, yet each week we’re adding another 500mg. So after the second dose, we add 500mg to the remaining 354mg = 854mg is now in the person’s system after the second injection. At week 3, the 854mg has now decayed to 604mg remaining, and after the 3rd injection of 500mg the user will have 1104mg in their system. And so on and so forth.

So i retrospec I say double thhe dose for tbe first two weeks to build out the receptors in a normal time frame vs waiting the 6-8 weeks for the kick in process of eq.
Ohhhh chemistry, you dirty mistress. That all makes sense. I’ll give it a whirl this go around and let you know.

@Bigmurph I just saw my original weeks for HCG, I’m going to count that under the post work haze, especially after we talked about hcg and pct and taper down last week. Thanks for catching that!
Oh she is a filthly woman and will do things to you in good ways if you treat her right or bad things if you treat her wrong. Good laugh my friend. Best of luck. Haha!
Cycles overkill. Test prop is dead in 48hrs so mon wed fri is useless. Hormonal rollercoaster.

Provi from start is useless imo too as you body isnt instantly boosting sbgh. Its expensive too so at least hold til week 4.

First time with npp…why not just npp tpp?

Whats your stats like?
Yeah Murph pointed that out on the test prop. I always appreciate a fresh perspective.

The consensus here seems to be run the proviron throughout. Tell me more about your thoughts on waiting until week 4?
Research sbgh. Just starting a cycle doesnt mean an immediate rise. Same idea as running orals the last few weeks of cycle, lowering sbgh. Free test! Bound test is useless.
This is going to be a great conversation because running tpp it isn’t like testosterone enanthate in 5 days there will be testosterone floating around and only increasing from there if you wait until week 4 aren’t you just playing catch up at that point?
Orals with a short half life so wheres the catchup going to come from?

If sbgh had an instant rise in the body…sure! Or if your prior bloods showed overly high sbgh. But sbgh is in our body to keep us in balance. With of course person to person differences. So to me i wouldnt expect an immediate rise. Also looking at esters and cleave. Another reason we do week 4 or 5 bloods on enth.

Ultimately, its up to the user. But im not rich and reviewing basic science leads me towards a later start. I prefer var late in cycle for same reasons in sbgh control and more boost on anabolism workkng together. But if i chose var for sbgh then i woildnt also use provi. Which is just my personal choice.
Rustyhooker said:
Orals with a short half life so wheres the catchup going to come from?
You got me there

I agree with you about var I prefer to finish with it but with the test phenylpropionate plus the npp I believe definitely start at the beginning but if you’re taking enanthate or other longer ester I can see your point about sbgh but proviron does have other advantages also and the fact that it is an expensive oral to take for a long period of time makes sense to try and use it exactly when you would need it for sbhg.
Im still definitely using it from the start but for someone on a budget or just using it for sbhg your right on point
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