Dbol with just TRT dosing or slightly above…


USN - Retired
Staff member
I know it’s probably been said here before, and I know orals are what they are, but I have a shit ton of 25MG Dbol capsules and tablets.

Has anyone really just used it for awhile at 25-50/day on just a TRT dose, or slightly higher dose of TRT??

I have honestly only tried it once with a stack, but gave up after 3 weeks, because I didn’t want to add in anymore so called Blair or water gain, just in case it did indeed add to that.

My diet is clean, so bloat/water shouldn’t be an issue, and folks on here know that I’m fairly conservative, because like @Neuro (Did he ditch the RN part of user name), I look at the next 20 years, etc….

Just a friendly poll of whether I try it, or leave it in safe for posterity!
I ditched by default of my own stupidity. I couldn’t remember my login, or my email login.

I mean I personally don’t see the use for dbol. Orals play a large part in what hurts us long run. Neuro and liver toxicity.

You know that.

If you’re going to use them, stack up liver support and glutathione and telmisartan.

I think if you’re going to do it, the lower the dose the better. As always.

I think you might see a better response in titrating up your trt dose to establish how high you can run without ancillary AI use. But that’s just me.
@Neuro as supreme overload

Yeah, you know me and the fact that other than some ancillary Winny for a few weeks, or Var for a few weeks, I mostly just run some mild-medium stacks, or just a higher dose than my TRT.

Just a general question, because I stocked up on this Dbol over about 2 years and have no F’ing clue why, other than I buy shit for no reason, cause I never take it, lmao!

I might do like you said @Poppy if I get a wild hair up my ass and use 25mg PWO a few times a week.

And yes, @Neuro On all of that stuff we’ve agreed on for awhile now. Glut, Himalayan, and 40 of Micardis.

I could have a donation party for some lucky fuckers on here. Last stack I finished was TestC/NPP/MastE on lower side and did well.

Next up…
TestC 300
TrenE 300
EQ 300-400 😬
My friends make out like fat rats…if I try something and it’s not agreeable…I pull the plug and give it away. Of course my buddies are then on the call list to come help an old man lift something heavy around the house. The very few friends I have are great dudes.
EQ has high high oxidative stress and will drop glutathione levels quickly as a result. So definitely stay on top of your dosing. Add in zinc if you up your dose bc supplemental glutathione will drop your levels and skew your labs all sorts of ways. Make you look anemic, and all sorts of weirdness.