Deca with Equipoise...?


Active member
Probably a bit of a bonehead question, but is there any benefit to adding EQ to a deca/testosterone stack? I’ve only run EQ once previously and it was with Test C and Tren E. Is it redundant or a waste/overkill to do so? Thanks
Some will say overkill but depending upon your dosing protocol I believe that decca and eq can add alot of mass together. Your endurance and strength gains would be huge due to the nitrogen retention and rbc count plus the protein synthesis.
Im looking at running 3 compounds myself test/decca/primo but ive been told to run test/decca then run test/primo. Im still contemplating myself. I can see good points about running 2 separate cycles than all at once.
The best stack I’ve ever run (in terms of size and strength gains) was Test Cyp/Tren E/EQ. I know Tren and EQ compliment each other well, but I also know that some don’t. The Deca/EQ pairing is a question mark for me though, so I figured I’d see what the consensus would be. But like you said, maybe two separate cycles would be better.
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I believe that it would complement each other because a nor19 pared with eq is a good stack imo
I believe that all dhb and especially dht compounds run well with nor19 compounds

Im still deciding myself weather test/decca/primo is to much and I should split it up. What’s your opinion im looking at running
Test c 400mg split a wk
Decca 250 1x a wk
Primo 400mg split wk
Proviron 50mg split ed
I will run var at the end if I don’t split it up.
I will run mhn if I choose test/primo first 6wks
I will run tbol first 6wks with test/decca

What would you do if you were me?
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Ive run Deca/EQ 300/300 for 16 weeks, it was good. The hunger that EQ gives is really nice to me, also if the test is not over 200-250 the connective tissue building qualities of EQ (and to a lesser extent deca) do their thing. Other than the RBC issue that EQ creates I’d say it can be run indefinitely, especially if one were to run it at veterinary doses (it comes at 50mg/ml so considerably lower than any BB would traditionally.

Also Deca and DHT steroids are a phenomenal stack!
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jymbo said:
if the test is not over 200-250 the connective tissue building qualities of EQ (and to a lesser extent deca) do their thing.
@jymbo is this something that you are assuming or can you provide clinical evidence for this statement? I am very curious why testosterone would interfere, at any level, with EQ’s supposed connective tissue activity. Any information that you can provide why you believe this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks… I am an information junky. 😉
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Just based on the effects cortisone has on connective tissue. Testosterone does not appear to effect healing of connective tissue and also causes cortisone rebound. I’m not a doctor, so maybe I’ve been misreading the effects for years. I have seen several studies where EQ was used for healing horses and it was used at very low doses and testosterone was not included. If test was good for healing (which is what EQ is used for by vets, tren being the choice for leaning out animals for slaughter), I’d imagine that it would be in the arsenal. Here is a link to a brief overview in a medical journal. I’m open to hear other ideas, like I said I’m not a doctor and it could be I’m completely misreading the info.

“It is apparent from this study that cortisone inhibits and 17-ethyl-19-nortestosterone promotesthose processes of repair which may be measured b.y S35 uptake method, and that 17-ethyl-19-nortestosterone may protect connective tissue against the catabolic effect of cortisone”
Appreciate the info. Although it does not relate to the use of testosterone. I see how you are putting two and two together to come to your conclusion but relative to muscle growth, which the majority of members are interested in, this has limited useful information.

For your purposes it may be very beneficial to keep test as low as possible when utilizing EQ. For those who are looking for lean mass increases that might not be the best option.

Thanks for taking the time to share your idea.
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Yeah, my post was not geared toward mass building. More cruising with EQ, or if one were to choose to use EQ and Deca or primo as their main steroids and runnin test at maintenance doses as part of a multi compound stack. Since being on TRT for the last 4 years my cycles are more unconventional I suppose, being able to run gear longer or more frequently has resulted in changing doses and combos outside what people would normally consider a cycle.

It is still broscience to some degree, its just that a lot of the broscience “facts” that were drilled into me upon entering the world of steroids are just not true. So I’ve gone off the reservation at times to test my own theories and come to some different conclusions. Of course some of them are going to be faulty and have holes in them perhaps I didn’t see, that is why I enjoy hearing others input and seeing how different people adopt things for their goals or life stlye.

I like how this board is an exchange of ideas and there is understanding that we are all different in our needs and goals. Its great to have free exchange of information and even to be able to disagree without having communications breakdowns.

It could also be considered (and this would be contrary to my theory) that cortisone suppression with higher test levels would be beneficial to collagen synthesis, or at least inhibit catabolism. Like I said, I’m interested to hear other peoples ideas on the healing properties of AAS, especially regarding collagen synthesis. There have been a few studies I’ve seen over the years using EQ, Primo, and Deca for collagen synthesis and all had 200mg of test or lower. Maybe they weren’t running test at higher doses because it wasn’t part of the study (after all it wasn’t for getting huge). So its possible that the facts are out of context to some degree and therefore not necessarily indicative of test inhibiting collagen synthesis.
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@Bigmurph I’ve never run Primo, brother. So I can’t speak from personal experience when it comes to that. The dosage I’ve always run with deca has been a set 400mg/wk with Sust 250 at 500mg/wk split in two. The most extreme I’ve run deca has been at 600mg/wk, but I think I hit that point of diminishing returns beyond 400-500mg because I didn’t see any recognizable difference at the higher dosage. Would the Primo offset the somewhat lower deca dosage of 250mg?
I like this stack. I prefer to do EQ at 500mg and Deca at 300mg. Works really well. Lean gains and the added benefit of joint lubrication from deca. I am not a big fan of bulking steroids as a whole tho!
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Im really not sure
I like to run compounds at low doses across the board but I might be pushing to hard going for test/decca/primo.
I think that im going to run my oral mhn and do test and primo.
Test with 200mg Deca/400mg Primo sounds sweet, DHT with a 19 nor is such a complimentary stack.
Only reason I would use deca over tren is tren would probably overshadow the Primo. Sounds like a nice summer cycle, with a clean diet deca is fine for cutting IMO.
I really believe that
I was going for the long cut mix but instead of test/tren/mast I would use test/decca/primo

I might just break it up though and run test decca then test primo or maybe the other way around