Dianabol vs Anadrol---Preferences?


Active member
Within the next week I’m going to begin a 16-week cycle, running Sust 350 (700mg/wk), Deca (500mg/wk), and either Dianabol or Anadrol as a kickstarter for the first 4 weeks. I’ve used Dbol several times in the past and always had good results in terms of mass and strength gains, but I’ve never run Anadrol. Of course I understand that these are two different compounds, but most of what I’ve read about the two describe similar effects/results. Is there an appreciable difference between the two? My goal is to bulk as cleanly as possible (yeah, yeah, I know) but for the first 4 weeks I’m looking for a good kickstart until the Deca begins to work its magic. Does anyone prefer or recommend one over the other? And if so, why?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I like both. For this stack I’d run anadrol and because you have never run it before. It’s definitely stronger than dbol and great at adding insane strength and size. Some people it kills their appetite so that’s a downfall but just push past it and eat.

When you say fairly lean bulk why are you running deca? I’d run eq or npp if you are looking for a leaner look. Keep us posted
Great question @BigIrish23. I have used both a prefer dbol because of how it makes me feel when used as a PWO.

If you have had good results with dbol do not try to reinvent the wheel since our cycles are all about results. If you want to self experiment and put on weight fast with moderate strength gains then drol would fit the bill in my experience.

PHD makes a good point. The stack you are using is a proven true bulker. You will fill out fast. A lot will be water and you will lose that lean look.

Good luck with your next cycle.
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I think that the better choice for you is the anadrol because of you wanting a “clean bulk”
I love dbol but I believe that dbol does bring more water than adrol.
I agree with phd about the water retention from the decca and sust. You will bloat up pretty good even with a lean and clean diet.
I don’t deter you from running them though its an amazing cycle that I have used personally.
Eq isn’t a bad idea though if you dont want to bloat during the cycle as much. I love npp and I do believe that it does bring less water retention but over a long cycle decca is more convenient.

The other part about why I would choose adrol is because you can pulse it.
You can run the adrol for longer than 4wks straight and actually run it 2wk on 2wk off. I wouldn’t use it longer than 6wks but if you pulse it you can run it until wk 10. This will allow you to have less effects on your appetite while pulsing but still get the full advantages that anadrol provides deeper into the cycle. The disadvantages to adrol is the toxicity.

The dbol is not a bad choice either though. You can get massive gains and great recovery time from dbol. I also feel like a demigod when I used to run dbol. I used it pwo at 30mg pharma grade meaning blue hearts and brit disp you really can’t go wrong.

My opinion about the difference between the two is the side effects and that adrol is more of an endurance compound through effects on the blood while dbol is more of a recovery compound through nitrogen retention and protein processing. In terms of gains it will really be what you make it to be from training and diet also dosage and the way you run the compound. Meaning length and pulsing, straight through, or pwo.

Good luck and good gains brother
Hit me up anytime
When I say “clean” bulk I’m referring to fat as opposed to water. I don’t mind a bit of temporary water retention, but I’m aiming to avoid fat gain as much as I reasonably can. Obviously my caloric intake will be higher than hell, but I won’t be eating trash to accomplish it. When I’ve used dbol in the past, it was the strength gain that I noticed more than anything. Definitely don’t want to reinvent the wheel or needlessly experiment too much (especially if it involves pissing money away) but I’ve generally heard of Anadrol yielding pretty impressive results and thought I’d run the idea up the flagpole. And I’m running Deca because of the joint relief component. Thanks for the feedback!
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If your caloric intake will be “higher than hell” then I assume that means at a major surplus. Even on clean foods that will lead to fat gain. The drug you choose to take won’t enhance your fat gain, that is based off your diet choices. Dbol may lead to more water than drol, but I think you’re looking at it wrong if you’re talking fat gain. I’d be more likely to adjust your “higher than hell” approach to a smaller surplus at 4-500 cals over maintenance vs 500-1000+ (which it sounds like you’re implying).
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I guess I assumed “higher than hell” clearly enough implies a big increase (as opposed to “lower than hell”). Yes, my intake will be much higher, I realize that caloric increases will lead to a some amount of fat gain (depending on activity level), and I’m aware that nothing I’ll be taking or considering taking will put fat on me. I appreciate the refresher, but I’m good on all of that. Anadrol versus Dianabol was my question.
Your reply said you did not care about water and only fat. So I was just saying that is solely dependent on diet. If you don’t care about water and have used dbol with good success I agree with @SemperFi that there is not need to reinvent the wheel. But if your wanting a little less water and still impressive strength gains than drol is a great choice as well.

Do you already have one or the other on hand? I saw you mention spending extra money. If you already have the dbol I’d just use it.
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I have the dbol on hand. I’m not one for rushing anything though, and since I’ve been off-cycle since June there’s really nothing pushing the start of this one beyond my own eagerness. I’d wait until I had Anadrol on hand if that were the recommended consensus but I’m gonna go ahead roll with what I have. Blast off on 11/1.
Cool, just making sure… Personally I love everything about Dbol and the 2 times I ran Anadrol I saw great results but it just made me feel really lethargic. That’s just my experience and we all know everyone is different. You got some great advice above by 4 very knowledgeable dudes. From personal experience I’ve noticed as long as I keep my estrogen in check and my diet is on point I can have some nice clean gains with minimal bloat.