Do I need to train heavy to grow?!


Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Is lifting heavy necessary for getting big?

Here’s another question for the ages. Simply put no, you do not need to train “heavy” to put on muscle. That said you do need to use enough weight to stimulate the muscle to grow. So using 2lb db’s for 100 reps is not going to butter the biscuit. However if you are not training g to be a power lifter reps of 1-3 are not necessary either.

People need to leave their ego at the door when they walk into the gym to train. The most important piece to hypertrophy training is time under tension meaning how long can I lift things up and put them down without breathing? There should be variations week to week of heavy( 6-10 reps), moderate (15-20) and light (20-60) including drop sets and forced reps. That’s a basic over view for you.

So their needs to be enough weight to stimulate growth, enough time under tension that you can control with “tempo” (another discussion) to cause the muscle to need to adapt.

This is just a very brief overview on how to approach your training. Training is very individualized and like diet you need to play around a bit.

In health

Coach Kad

[email protected]
That’s one thing I do not do enough of, viz., vary my routines among heavy/low rep and ligher/higher rep. Started last night with heavy/low rep routines (one warm up set with about 60% of 1RM, 5x3 at 90% 1RM, then one high rep set with warm up weight). I’m going to cycle through my chest/ back & bis/legs & abs split, then move to slightly higher reps and lower weights for a cycle, then finish with a cycle of pure hypertrophy.
I don’t need to lift heavy but I want to lift heavy when I make full transition to body building I’ll still keep my big three lifts in the 5-8 rep range with maybe 12 on bench.
Best thing that ever made my physique improve was to lower the weight. I was always concerned with pushing numbers and I’d sacrifice form and mind-muscle connection just to get the reps out. Scaled it way back and man it’s made such a difference AND way less chance of injury. I literally try and use as little of weight as possible to try and get the results I want out of it
I don’t do the strict curl or any th ing so when I do biceps it’s simply for size. I do weights that people have my size are curling but use strict form doing so. I’ve had guys ask me why they are doing more weight but aren’t growing like me and I explain well your swinging your body to curl the weight I’m just using my bicep. I will go heavier on hammers but I also use the need pad on par pull down to brace arm so still strict. All techniques and advice I got from John meadows channel
Its so true one of the reasons I can’t go to the gym people doing lifts bouncing or way to much weight and you can just see there getting nowhere.

Drives me crazy and I can’t just go up and start telling someone how to lift I just train at home lol

Im glad that you’re helping these guys out you can have a team soon.

See if they want to join ugmuscle