Dom src carrying pharma pct?


Well-known member
Any u.s dom srcs carrying pharma grade pct? Specifically looking for clomiid, letro, caber. I already know a src that carry caber but open to know if other have different doses etc
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That source that sells India pharma has most of that stuff. I think he will be posting a promo here soon
I would reach out to a preferred sponsor individually. They may be willing to assist in getting your hands on some for domestic delivery.
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Either go to their sponsor page and post a question or click their avatar and send them a private message.

If you need the crayon option let me know and I will draw you a picture. 😉 Seriously though… reach out to me if you are having any trouble navigating. I am still learning about how to do certain things but I would be more than happy to assist you.
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