

Well-known member
Am at the 6th week of my 2nd cycle, which is test e+deca+eq and am having the craziest and most vivid dreams ever. Last night i had 2 rounds with the night stand but i knocked him out with a flying knee. Anybody else going thru it?
Tren fucked my dreams up slept walked a little to which I’ve never done, got up walked in kitchen took dishrag that
Was hangin on the stove handle and neatly folded it into the garbage with half of it hangin over garbage can as if it was hangin on the stove handle, then brought the dish soap in the bedroom n put it on the nightstand.
I’m only on test, hcg and dbol. So far no dreams or sleep walking. But I’m about to add TREN and anavar to the mix. I guess I’ll lock up my guns and hide the car keys. 😁
Ha ha lock me up but u have to have the woman hide the key you might try to find it while sleep walk-in
Man @Sivmig you dove head first into the deep end of steroid pool- straight from TRT to dbol, tren and var. Be safe buddy… this stuff is serious.

No judgement on my part I just want you to be the best that you can be for as long as you can be. At the end of the road there is a price that will have to be paid. 😉
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I hear ya buddy. I’m definitely going to be super careful with it. I’m going to increase slowly to see how my body handles it. Been lifting off and on for years. NOW I’m ready for the Big guns. I’m 40 so it’s now or never.
Well I believe everything happens for a reason so if I shoot the woman there should have a reason no accidents here bro ha ha