Ending a cycle prematurely


Well-known member
Hey guys
First off I tried to find the correct place to post this question so I hope this works.

I’m in the middle of a cycle and I recently had a crash on a dirt bike. I broke my left clavicle and three ribs. Complete breaks.
Total dumbshit. I know.

I have 7 weeks to go on this cycle (test c and deca—planned for 12 weeks). I’m on TRT so I was looking for feedback about ending it early and going back to TRT dose. What would you guys do?
To most of you this may look like an obvious easy thing to answer but I’m trusting your insight and experience, UG fam.
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Give yourself time to heal brotha 💯. Running high doses of multiple compounds would be just a waste if you can’t train accordingly. Health is priority brotha, just my 2 centa
Agreed, if you were on trt then go back to that dosage. Save the rest of your cycle for when your better. Top priority is your body give yourself plenty of time to heal. Also. Don’t be so hard on yourself shit happens that’s life. Hope you get better soon.
Coming off treat it just like a pct but remember nandrolone stays in the body for a long time especially decca. I believe that as long as you keep your testosterone levels in range and watch for estrogen levels or progesterone creeping up after you stop you will be alright and then heal up all the way before starting back up injuries suck but its important to heal properly and not push yourself.
I wish you the best healing up.

Good luck and good gains brother
I personally have no experience, but I’m of the opinion that oxandrolone (Anavar) is used medically to treat injuries and recover faster, same with taking HGH. It also relives bone pain. It is also low androgenic, less side effects.

I agree with everyone else to stop cycle and Keep your test at TRT or normal levels, but pct the other compounds if needed.

Perhaps look into medical articles regarding Anavar and HgH for rehabilitation purposes. They do prescribe that steroid for healing. Dr’s are on the fence regarding HGH, but it has shown to work.
Thank you very much for all of the replies.
No surgery required for the clavicle. It’s just some discomfort and lack of mobility.
I figured the answer was fairly obvious but sometimes you just want to hear it.
I know people who train and then something happens and now weight training is on the back burner. It’s kinda stressful when that preoccupies a good chunk of your life
I’m just gonna heal up and get after it when I can

Thanks everyone.
Keep us updated on your recovery. Its just as important to people reading as someone running a cycle. All of us at some point deal with injuries so hearing how you deal with it will definitely help someone get through there injury better than without the knowledge of your recovery.