SB Labs

Fall is some parts of the country!

Yeah it’s time to bulk up. They keep saying we are looking for 50s n 60s but then they just change it back to the 90s. So I sweat all day. Just eat and sweat non stop.
I’m going to run 75mg. 25mg in the morning g. Then 50mg before the gym. See how that works out. I am pretty excited to run this stuff.
trying to reach out to ldog rep is my mail.any help is appreciated.

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Placed an order with GC. Have a few different things coming for wife and me, and can’t wait to see how they work. If his Var, Winny, and Test E are as good as folks state, then we are in for a Halloween Gain Treat!
Using up another source at moment for Test and Var, but I try like hell to stay lean all year.

GC had good reviews from women on his Var, so wife wanted to give another source a try. Other source is great stuff so far, but I like to have options now that we’re in the game, and since GC and other source came highly recommended by all of you on here.

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