False Expectations- References, Personal Insight and Video


Well-known member
Some people say steroids are safe and beneficial. While some say they cause permanent damage to your body and can even be deadly. The reality is that both of these groups are correct.

Many people claim that steroids don’t make as big of a difference as everyone thinks. While professionals competitors results tell you otherwise. The reality is that both of these groups are correct.

I will assume you’re reading this post because you want to know how effective are steroids. The reality is that they are as effective as you allow them to be. What?

Let’s get to the facts-

A study conducted by scientists at Maastricht University found that, during a period of ten weeks or less, the average muscle gains in people doing resistance training while on anabolic steroids ranged between 4 to 11 pounds. The most impressive amount of muscle growth researchers found was nearly 16 pounds of lean mass gained in just 6 weeks of weightlifting with steroids.

Reference- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15248788

Another research study that provides insight to the power of steroids was conducted with an elite bodybuilder. He worked with scientists for a year, using steroids for all but four weeks of the duration. In that year, he gained about 15 pounds of muscle, which is about three to four times as much as someone natural with his level of training experience and conditioning could gain.

Reference- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3921472

Back to my statement that steroids are only as effective as you allow them to be- Why would a hobby bodybuilder not see the same results as a professional competitor using the same protocol and dosage? Its very simple and you most likely will no like the answer but that does not change the truth…

… The hobbiest, by nature, does not have the level of commitment and dedication to their hobby as a professional competitor does.

If you are considering supplementing with steroids and you do not first have a commitment level equal to that of a professional athlete you will no doubt hinder the potential results that can be gained.

The key to maximizing the benefits steroid supplementation is you!

There are no exceptions to the rule, no short cuts, no Willy Wonka golden tickets, or no JFK magic bullets to reaching your full potential. If you believe otherwise than you are going down the rabbit hole with a whole lot of other Average Joe’s. There is only hard, and I mean uncomfortably hard, work. The effort that needs to be expressed by an individual considering steroid use must be in place before even considering their use… no if, ands, or buts.

Each of us are unique but when it comes to steroid use we are not special. So drop your ego and your false expectations concerning steroids because this is not a game and steroids do not discriminate against anyone.

I am sharing this from some of my own personal experiences. When I first started gear use I thought I was special. I believed that the rules did not apply to me or I had some secret that no one else possessed. This mentality and egomaniac idea did nothing but hinder my development and in a few cases even set me back from where I began.

Once I accepted the truth about steroid use and fully grasped that the key to their success was how much effort and dedication I put into my chosen hobby that is when it all came together and I finally began seeing the full potential of what steroids could help me accomplish.

I am aging like a fine wine and my days of steroid use are winding down and coming to a close by my own choice. Why? Because I have accomplished everything I have wanted to accomplish. Not because of the steroids but because I was willing to invest in the effort that is required to look like a professional athlete. This mindset allowed me to benefit from the full potential of the compounds that I chose to utilize.

My closing advice to you is-
  • Do not place false expectations on steroids
  • Control what you can control
  • Steroids are not a substitute for hard work
  • Be grateful for the added benefit that steroid use can provide
  • Only begin steroid use when you have proven to yourself that you have the correct mindset
  • Don’t do anything unless you are willing to do it right the first time
Thanks for taking the time to read what was on my heart and I hope everyone, from the beginner to the professional, can benefit in some way from what has been written.

Seth Feroce Hard and Direct - He has reinvented the use of the ‘F’ word to get a very important point across. If you can’t handle the truth do NOT watch this video. If you think you are an exception the the rules do NOT watch this video.

Informational references -







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Thanks for the compliments guys. Good content makes for a good forum. Not everything we post is 100% proven but with enough minds we all get to reap the benefits of gaining knowledge.

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I agree. Western science is so far behind in this area. At least in what we have access to and is published. The stigma of steroid use is not going to go away anytime soon and the powers that be are going to keep a hat on anything that can be seen as positive. It is sad but nevertheless true.

There are strides being made though as it relates to TRT. As more and more men push for the treatment the more money that flows into the coffers. Eventually mainstream will see the profit potential and then take steps. Not for health reasons but in the name of profits.

Just one guys one eyed view.
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