Financial Strategies, Investing, Ownership Etc


Forum moderator
As we are all aware, the lifestyle we choose to live could quickly become very costly. I created this post as a way for this community to gather or share information on legal and effective ways to get ahead and stay ahead of the curve financially. No matter your background or education level, there’s always a way. Let’s prosper and grow together.

Heres a quick list of topics
  1. Real Estate
  2. Investments
  3. Drop Shipping
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If you’re opening to becoming a realtor that’s a great choice.
If you can get your trading license investment would work out well.
Drop shipping I think is a bad idea.
Realastate has a lot of money in it. Trading you can do without a license. My dad use to do it. I don’t know enough about it nor have time. I do Robin Hood trading app

Pretty much this