Finishing 16 weeks and looking to see options


Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Question on what is recommended post cycle? Other than HCG and Clomid, do most stop everything else? For example when I finish 16 weeks of test 300per week, primo 600 per week and Winstrol 50 eod should I just stop and to post therapy pending labs? Can you just switch up what you are taking if goals have changed?
Sorry if this a stupid question but I usually stop do 30 days of HCG and clomid. But with summer coming was wondering if there were other alternative.
Thank you in advance
I mean that’s a mild cycle honestly. You could taper down on everything then cruise at about 100-150mg a week for 4-6 weeks then start your next cycle.

For example for me I’m running test only (fairly high for me ) then in few weeks I’m switching everything up going right into prep. So you can do either way.

Get blood work make sure you’re in good place then make your decision based on that. But you should be good to cruise or switch
Everything else aside, i have always stopped for 4 weeks minimum and let all the stuff come out. I never felt “off” until about 6 to 8 weeks if I was doing more than just clomid, then id start it all at about 3 weeks post cycle. I always went completely off for 4 weeks, or when I did 6 on 2 off, then switch with no pct. But, it was common practice and I’ve stuck with it. Also, money would be saved, etc.
Thank you for the advice. Should the taper start at week 16 or earlier? 100-150 I’m assuming test? Would I do post therapy with that?
Sorry if they are stupid questions
I’d taper off the primo test is low enough you can drop to 150mg once you drop primo out. Drop it in half for two weeks then you can get off. That’s just how I like to do it.
Thanks for the info.
Question on GH. I do 3 units a day right now. Should that be Everyday? Any days off
I do everyday. I use to do it during the week and take off on weekends.