First cycle advise, please tweak if needed


Afternoon all,

I am currently in week 6 of my 16 week cycle, running test E at 500mg a week, clomid 50mg ED, .5 arimidex once a week. My buddy and I have been running the same cycle and tomorrow we’re adding DBol into the mix at 25mg ED. Thinking of bumping dex up to 1mg per week. 30YOM 6’4” 290 not looking to add too much size, but wanted to get a solid amount of lean muscle if possible with the DBol. Was also looking at starting with the DBol for 2 weeks, and switch over to anavar to finish out the cycle. Let me know your opinions, if that’s a stupid plan, or have better advise. Thanks everyone- very excited for tomorrow
Stay with your original plan and grow from that first. Do you have a log book? Do you write up what/how you feel on the cycle. Get blood work. Increasing AI because you are thinking of taking another compound is poor management. Bloods is the only way. If you choose to add things because you read it works, that’s not your body. Example I can take .5 mg of ADEX a week. Any more and I crash hard. That is in 800mg of Test and 240mg of Tren a week. Blood work is your answer. And stay on what you mapped out. My opinion. 😉
I agree with what’s already been said. I think doing the 500mg Test E/week is a great starting off point, and I did that for my first cycle too recently. Unsure of the clomid, because typically that 's if your on PCT or if you’re having a gyno flare-up.

Also, by now you should have gotten blood test to confirm you’re in a solid range. I’d get that asap.
I’ve got a 5g back of tamoxifen sitting here ready to go in case I have any gunk flare ups. So far everything has been smooth sailing, planning on running this as part of my PCT
@TBU I’ve been keeping a log, plotting out meals, measurements, and a workout record too. Log seems pretty detailed to me- sleep, wake time, weight, meals, workouts, dosages, and any changes I’ve noticed. So far everything has been going well, and I’ll keep logging everything, including PCT
I’ve been on a TRT dose the past year, running clomid and dex - doctors orders. Bloodwork is looking great, estradiol sticking right around 20 pg/ml. Running test at 500mg a week hasn’t changed values with bloodwork- never ran DBol, so just wanted to see what everyone’s thought was. Thanks for your feedback
I love Dbol. It’s a great kickstart to a cycle. I usually take it the first 5 weeks. Then come off. But one thing that kills me os horrible lower back pumps. Squats and deadlifts are sometimes almost unbearable. But that’s me. 😉
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Not everyone gets it. Quite a few do. I know I dread any lower back stuff on dbol.
Gotta love these guys they shoot straight from the hip.
They answered your questions so Ill just share my experience with Dbol, I put on some decent weight and good mass the only thing I wasn’t so fond of was the water retention, it also have me bad headaches. I have been running Adrol on this cycle and I love it I don’t get puffy or headaches and I get some mean strength. Be safe this is a marathon not a race and,if your unsure about what your AI should be then the blood test are the only way.
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I didn’t know lower back pumps were a thing until I was on dbol doing hypertensions. I thought I messed my back up. Lol
Anavar gets me some crazy back pumps. Next cycle was considering some Dbol but pick pumps just hinder my squat, deadlift, and rows so much that I can’t even do them. Straight up almost needed a wheelchair after dead’s one day lol