First time Winstrol user needs advice

Hello, I’m new on here and I’m looking for advice on how and when to take winstrol? I have oral version. Can I use it like a diet pill? What dosage/cycle should I take? My goal is just a leaner look, no gut. Thanks
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Not knowing you, your body type, current weight, bf% overall stats, etc. It’s going to be near impossible to properly answer this question. Are you on Test or TRT? Have you ever used AAS before? What’s your current nutrition and fitness plan look like and how long have you been at it?
Do you have liquid or oral winny. No you can’t use it as a diet pill it’s not a fat burner. Use a fat burner with it. I like lean af from dynamic evolution I use all their products.

If it’s oral I’d use 50mg am and 50mg before workout. If liquid id inject before workout being it’s water based and is in your system quickly. Not sure what else you’re running with it but prop and sust are goof to combine with it.

Hope this helps.
First off welcome to the board brotha, great wealth of knowledge here. As far as wintsrol goes I’d start with 50mg and work your way up. Also better to split doses through out the day. Are you on any other aas? Are you wanting to include this in your stack? Personally I like to do mini blasts of Winstrol through out my cycle. At my age Winstrol will dry me up nicely but also dry my joints that’s why I do mini blasts of it.
I’m about to start back with testE and dbol and deca. I’ve never used the win but would like too to see if its something I like. Just not sure when and how to take in a cycle. Thanks
Deff don’t use deca and dbol with it bro. Those two are what you want to use to bulk they put a lot
Of water on you. Winny is I’ll dry you out and help with strength. You’re really counteracting the effects.

Sounds like you are inexperienced with gear. You need to have a solid diet also not just with winny but with any gear.

Really too much to explain in a post.