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Oh no! Here’s comes the tren cough. You know that feeling when you pull out the pin and a drop of blood comes out and you know that means a tiny bit will get in the blood stream. Then you taste tren in your saliva and feel it go to your lungs then your tongue tingles. Yep, cough time. Shit!!! This shit is strong!
My Leg workout felt great! I’ve been taking 50mg tbol, 50mg dbol, and 30mg Cialis a few hours preworkout the past 3 workouts and I love the way it feels! Great strength and pumps! After taking a week off from having the flu/Covid/whatever, it feels so nice to be training again! 💪
Nice . I’m hoping to start my run in February of 75mg test e , 50mg tren a , and 140mg mast e, 3x a week mwf . 27g 1” . I keep hearing more and more about the insulin syringe! Going to have to try it for my trt after.
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Glad your feeling better . That shits no joke glad me or my family hasn’t had it yet . All though my youngest daughter was sick last yr with the same symptoms as Covid when it first came around and I’m pretty sure we all got it .Damn dbol and tbol pump must be insane haha .
I think I’ll be doing a 3ml 23 gauge 1 1/2” shot once a week and slin pin shots a few days a week too. I’ve decided to do some higher doses for awhile and grow.
Yeah, you guys had it and you have natural immunity now. That’s the best way to go. Those pcr tests are inaccurate. So many people last year said they had Covid but none of the correct symptoms. They had the flu. There’s no mistaking real Covid. You have no energy to get out of bed. You’re out of breath for a month just walking a few feet. You cough non stop. I think I had the flu last week. In 2020 I definitely had Covid.

Tbol with dbol is a combination nobody mentions but I had both on hand and it’s such a great pump and real good mental feeling too:
Exactly My daughters oxygen levels drop really low , fever of 104 no strength for weeks and coughing for about a month. I got lucky didn’t have any real symptoms other then the strength loss and slight cough . Wife and oldest daughter had more of the symptoms then I did .

I think I’ll try that if I ever try to bulk in the future ! Do you stay on both for 4 weeks as well ?
I have no plan ever honestly. I wake up and get my bag of gear and take what looks good. Haha no joke. I’d like to give it a few weeks but it all depends on my blood pressure and general well being. I’ve abused my body for 26 years so I have to take it one day at a time. If I start feeling toxic and run down I back off orals and lower the injects back to just test prop and NPP. 3 weeks on this plan would be fun! I’ll most likely start to get scared and lower the injects though. I know myself. Haha I get paranoid.
My God this pump is good! 50mg tbol, 50mg dbol, 100mg NPP all taken 3 hours preworkout, and 30mg Cialis 30 minutes preworkout. This is 4 out of 5 days on this preworkout stack.
Training back today.