Gear for our sexy lady companions

@Johnnyred See this is a very loaded question, with the female body its all about the look. From a average gym goer to a high active fitness competitor.

So, its all about what we are discussing all paired with estrogen manipulation. So it can be anywhere from a light balance of clen and cardio to a rotation of Test p, EQ, HGH and T3/T4 mixture. The women component all drives with what look they are wanting to achieve as to what compounds or safety protocol we would discuss.

But let’s take a 6 day a gym week female with the overall stats of 5’3 and 133lbs and 14% BF. I would run a simple 12 week program as listed below.

Anavar- 5mg AM 5mg PM
Clen- 20mcg 2 days on 1 day off- after 4 weeks pull off and reset receptors and pathways with benadryl prior to bed for 7 days.

Then i would do a carb rotation and sodium rotation paired with a steady cardio program to get this subject to where she is needed to go! This would also involve a questionnaire seeing hormone panels, what form of birth control and many other factors that may present a issue when other compounds.

Best as always @Johnnyred and hope that starts the conversation in the right direction.
The female body requires test m, just MUCH less of it. There’s trt for women available. The numbers I’ve seen are less than 50 mg a week but test is still an option. For women.
For sure there is HRT (TRT) for women. Wife and I found out the hard way and finally found an HRT doctor to run proper labs/tests, because her primary care and OB weren’t willing to do anything and just said she was getting older, diet more, and exercise more. Wife has been pretty consistent power lifter for years. Average of 130-135lbs at 5’2”. Long story short…Her lifts dropped off, weight gain became easier, even with reduced calories and more exercise. Var, Clen, Winny all stopped doing the magic it used to/was supposed to. After labs, found she had hypo thyroid and test levels of 5, which is actually quite low for a woman. Flash forward 6 months now on thyroid and TRT, and she’s back in track to kicking ass like she always has.