SB Labs

Gearing up for another hgh train ride

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Hey fellas I’ve been off hgh for 5 months now and am financially preparing to jump back on the wagon again, any input and or thoughts would be appreciated.
I lift heavy almost everyday and I’m a little frustrated with the cluster headache prognosis being as I’m going to live in pain all my days I figured wth might as well run something that tickles that part of my brains lol.
Whats your favorite benefits from this and whats a good dose to follow
Diet is extreme so is work ethic, not lacking in any foundation areas
I’m also considering giving it a try because Ive heard of all the benefits but I have been coming across a few people having joint pains and such. Nothing crazy but just enough to keep me cautious.
Just curious since you have been off for 5 months how do you feel?
Do you believe that you have a better quality of life on gh or off?

Ive been off everything for awhile now in my opinion I need to get back on atleast trt. I will most likely be starting up again soon with a blast and cruise again because I definitely felt better.
I feel good all things considered but I definitely feel better on gh mood energy levels and sleep which all together are kinda synergistic I think. Do you notice any size or strength gains on it?
I believe that it helps with the healing process but I don’t believe that it puts mass on a person’s body I do believe that it gives you the ability to hold more mass than without and then adding aas products gives you the ability to fill out the extra amount your body can hold.

It has multiple uses also I believe especially in it healing. You can use it to keep your skin and hair better as you age and with just a better well-being with low dosage and I mean you can do 1iu 5 days a week and 2 off.
You can also go big and take 5iu to 10iu or more but the side effects at that level are just not worth it for me as im not a BBER.
If I was a BBER I would likely be taking 5iu 5 days a week with other compounds also that are synergistic like igf1, igf1lr3 or slin.

I do love the sleep that you get while running gh.
I’m still waiting on this hgh sleep then again I’m working 3rds. I’m sure when mk is added next month leading to bulk I’ll get sweet dream s
It’s not really you require less sleep it’s just your body knows that it can make the repairs so it just lets you be awake
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