Getting my arimidex dosage for cycle


Well-known member
Hey guys got my blood work done today waiting on results. Got all my organs checked, prolactin and estrogen. 4 different tests. Right now I’m cruising in between cycles on 150 test E. When I blast I’ll be kicking off at 500 test/300NPP/25-50 proviron going to see how I feel and 50 mg anadrol for 6 weeks and then ending with tbol. What would my arimidex dosage be with this cycle and should I implement caber? Also since NPP is fast acting should I start the AI as soon as I blast or wait two weeks?
Very hard to say but if your a decent sized dude I’d do 1 mg a week after like 3 weeks in just watch your symptoms of low estrogen because they mirror high estrogen but take longer to repair
Depends on what your estrogen is at right now. I would use 1mg a week but I’ve gotten my estrogen & prolactin in check so I’ve been able to get by with 0.5 once a week and sometimes I won’t even use it every week.

Honestly depends on how you feel, any nipple sensitivity then start dosing yourself. Key thing is getting blood work and getting your E in check as best as you can.
Yeah don’t take it to be taken it.
I can run higher levels of test and not need an AI and estrogen stays just above normal.
Have it on hand. And get bloodwork done at week 5 or 6 and see where your at.
Then start based on what you know from the bloodwork.
Exactly what’s been said above… there is no need to put anything in your body that you don’t absolutely need. If your estrogen is high and you have no sides what are you really using it for. The levels of E will go up with test present. It’s in fact good for muscle building. Plus at the doses your are running you probably won’t need them.
Honestly if you pin frequent enough you won’t have any problems. By frequent enough I mean EOD.
Learn from my mistakes as well… when I first started I used to take shots MWF… well your body doesn’t know what day of the week it is, you must always stay consistent if you do EOD it means every other day not only MWF because those gaps cause un needed spikes in hormones leading to issues that we may think are estrogen and we take and ai and end up crashing your E. Stay a steady course pin frequent and you will be okay.
Me and my buddy were just talking about this. Thanks for the advice guys. I happen to need AI’s unfortunately I did just get my blood work done so when it comes back I guess we’ll have more information
A telltale sign for me is how emotional I get over things. One of my sons calls out of the blue and I tear up just because he called? Time for some Adex. Obviously, best to have real blood results, but I get those only every 90 days. In between, I need a monitor, and emotion is usually a very good gauge for me.
DIRT I’m sorry man I fucking bursted out laughing the way you worded that, you’re definitely a monster. Over a gram of test and no AI I would definitely be emotional as hell. I cant even tolerate 500+ sometimes without the AI, once I take that AI I can feel my E crash and turn into a dick haha.

Man I hope you feel better, are you gonna dose an AI?
I was supposed to take Thursday but forgot with all the shut that was going down on. Finally stop thinking of a person only for my gf to force a situation that had me messing with true other girl al day fucking crazy shit and now who is on my mind the hot ass pregnant one.
Oh my liver was fine when I was drinking do everything else and mtren hahah. It’s a champion. But I’m not sure I’m regular human being