Gyno treatment with an aromatase inhibitor, gyno treatment with Arimidex,gyno treatment with Anastrozole


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I have a minor lump from years ago under my left nipple. When I hit my highest levels of test on my recent blast, I started Adex .25mg-.5mg EOD. Low and behold, the lump shrunk pretty materially. I may continue the Adex on cruise once I get bloods done. So long as I am not crashing my E2, would be great if the damn thing continued to shrink! I’m bumping this thread because I was always taught that only way to get rid of gyno was surgery. But that may not be the case, even for long-existing gyno. I will report back.
Hey brother! I feel your pain and your experience with left side gyno. From what I hear from Dr.‘s and read in medical journals, gyno is ‘truly’ only able to be gone with surgery by removing all of the breast tissue. I take Adex .5-1mg twice a week day after pin days on TRT. My small lumps showed back up with a higher blast of Test, and Adex didn’t do 100% of the trick to shrink them down to where you could barely feel them, even though you couldn’t see them or tell. So, I hit 40mg of Nolva for 2 weeks, then 20mg throughout rest of blast, and it shrunk them down to almost going away, but not 100%. I learned that from @Bigmurph post if this, reading, and HRT Dr. Kind of like a long term band aid.

Keep us posted, as I want to see if you have better results than most others have at competent reversing it.
Thanks, brother! Appreciate your extended reply and description of your experience! I’m also leaning out a bit after my blast, losing some water and fat, so I’m sure that is also improving things a bit. But the lump itself HAS shrunk a bit. I will report back whether it continues to shrink with continued AI usage on cruise. Just gotta make sure I don’t crash my E2; I’ve done that before, and with a young wife, it is no bueno.