Hamstring workout

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IFBB Pro -Coach - sponsored athlete
Staff member
Holy smokes guys. I did a hamstring workout from @Omegaman Im literally walking around like a baby giraffe. My glutes and hams are fucking toasted. I used the nuex machine on them today. I’ll let him post the workout he had me do. I sure hope these fuckers hang this year. My goal is to have Tom Prince hams. RIP



I remember talking to him, GOD 28 years ago, He was starting to feel bad I think because We were talking about How bodybuilding was becoming bullshit…It draws in on a lot of insecurities etc. I know he had a congenital kidney defect and one or two failed transplants…I could be totally off. Did he just shut down, so to speak? @PHD you wont have those at 198. Have fun, smoke the Masters, and then go 212 … Fuck 30 guys in your class, they used to line us up and start at the calves, LOL. no calves see ya, Top 5 more than once(I think) but always top 10. You know people, I have a feeling your not at all an ass kisser. Like , calling Steve weinberger(SPelling?) So, “what do you think I need to do” type of guy. Lou zwick used to call me at like 400am Chicago time and ask how big my arms were and can I place in the Junior nationals this year. I was 22, Not when you wake me up at 4 Am ! and not when the lineup was DEMAYO, LEVRONE, DENTE , or any year for that matter…
Hey bro. I heard kidneys. I also heard he had a lot of other health issues including cancer.

Yea fuck kissing ass. I don’t really like Steve and I don’t think he likes me. He judged a local show in Florida and I smoked everyone in my class he put a black guy over me with soft glutes and hams zero lines in quads. He had big shoulders and that was it. I was like fuck you.

I think I’m going to do North Americans. Do open and masters. Dude nationals had 42 in my class and I swear top 30 guys all good. Super stacked and deep
Ok guys 2 days later glutes and hams hurt so bad. Feels like some is stabbing me with knives. Grow baby grow.
You mean that you actually put in work for those legs?

Haha what a concept!
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I did heavy bench as today starts pl block again and I already feel my damn lats are sore or they are just sore from a few days ago I can’t tell
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His legs are huge and hamstrings are like half moons hanging off the back of his legs. Holy shit! @PHD if you don’t mind me asking, your approximate age? I’m 41 so I got a few more good years left god willing to grow out my legs considering I only started training about 1.5 years ago. I know I was one of those guys who didn’t train his legs. I naturally had hefty legs but never trained them. And now I love training them.
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I’ll post something to really piss you off lol
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