Hello new to the site


New member

I’m 36 years old, 5’9” 202lbs, Bf is 18% been lift on and off for 18yrs

Been researching for awhile and finally figured I would try to ask a few questions
I have some test e and deca and dbol but I’ve read some things that make me kinda question the quality of the product

Hi brother welcome, you should get a test kit if possible… this a great place, a wealth of knowledge resides here.
Welcome to the group.

The actual vials of steroids are the cheap part of steroid cycle so if you have doubts I would toss them.

One of the biggest challenges for a 38 year old guy doing steroids is getting his natural testosterone production back on track.
Doesn’t always work out.


And toss out the deca if you plan to get your nuts working again
Always be sure of what you have and plan to put in your body. I second the get a test kit, but if not make sure you know the quality of your stuff. Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to UGM bro! If you think the gear is bunk just ditch it and get some more through one of our sponsors here who all have great reputations and products. We are all here trying to help one another so if you need any questions answered dont be afraid to ask 😉