High blood pressure meds or no?


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Hey guys
So I just left my dr, and my bp was 150/79. High I know. He’s my new dr only have seen him twice and I did let him know that I use gear. I didn’t tell him amounts because honestly he is clueless about any of that. But long story short since my bp was high last time also he wants to start meds. I personally think it’s high because I’m bulking and using 700mg test with 500mg npp. I expect it to b high honestly with all that. gear. I’ll be done with that’s cycle shortly and then I’m thinking it should level outHe did order me a blood test though so he isn’t totally against my use. So does any one have an opinion on what I should do take meds or no?
How long you been on ? I’ve been having bp issues to they did labs on me I’ve been running test @ 500 a week and my test levels were 1450 but I was totally up front with my doc
Been on 6 weeks. Not sure on labs they just got ordered and I’ll get them this weekend. So my high bp could be related to what that says but now that I’m honest with my dr he is referring me to some drs who can help me more.
All about honesty I went to the doc and they tried 4 or 5 diff meds with no effect then she sent me to cardiologist and now they got it coming down plus I added cardio in and feel a fuck ton better also donate blood it gets thicker with compounds
Watch salt intake maybe and water retention. I’m on losartan 50mg ed. By my nephrologist. It’s cool w me dont even notice it
Do exactly what your doctor says especially since you’re being honest with them about what you take and let them know that you have concerns that once you stop your blood pressure will go back to normal and then the medication won’t be necessary and what the plan would be if this is what happens.

Good luck and good gains brother