How about Testosterone Undecanoate?


I’ve not seen or heard hardly anyone talk about Test Undecanoate. I done a little research on it and seen they use it for TRT often and they load it up for weeks at a time. I was thinking of maybe adding the Test Undecanoate to my Sust for my next cycle.
I was on it for about a year as Nebido form my endocrinologist… would take a shot every 14 days. My levels, if I recall, were always in the 800-1000 range … but I would “supplement” periodically which would obviously throw off my bloods.
It’s Sust 250 that I have at the moment. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 750mg per week. Figure I’ll try NPP at 450mg per week. Was going to add half ml of the Undecanoate twice a week.
Testosterone undecanoate or testosterone undecylate is an ester of testosterone which is used for the treatment of male hypogonadism and is currently under research for use as a male contraceptive, testosterone undecanoate is sold and distributed under the brand names Andriol, understory, libido, paste stone, retinol. Andriol is a version of the anabolic steroid testosterone undecanoate developed by the pharmaceutical company organon, testosterone is said to enter the body as a fat through the lymphatic system, experience from user indicates that in dose of less than 240mg per day, effects are negligible, except at every onset of use, while even in higher dose, effects are still minimal, testosterone undecanoate is therefore thought that most of the steroid is somehow not making it into the blood stream.
The reason no one uses it for bulk or cutting is the length of time it remains active. It’s hard to adjust short term and too long of an ester for adjusting. TRT is perfect if you want “normal” levels and less pinning.