How do you message admins?


Ok bros dont slam me too bad but I’m not use to all of this forum stuff. I’m just trying to message admins and get schooled. I finally got bitcoin setup. Took me ages to get the verification step done but I’m now verified through coinbase. Now my question is do I need to have a seperate wallet or do I just purchase directly through bitcoin? I know i dont post much here but really it’s because i dont feel like feeling stupid for not using correct terminology or violating community standards. I want to do this right and keep everyone safe on all ends. This is a valuable place for info.
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When you create a coinbase account it should create a wallet for your account. I just deposit and send when it clears. To me it better to use a debit card because it clears faster, but fees are more. Idk if you can pm admins I think all PMS are done with. As long as you dont blatantly break rules over and over anyone is happy to help.
You wouldn’t message administrator or a staff member for this question. Also pm is not available at ugmuscle. If it can’t be posted publicly then it should probably be handled off site.
You can post it like you did but the easiest way is to contact who you plan on sending bitcoin to and they should be more than willing to help.
Staff doesn’t get involved in anything like this we only get involved with issues that relate to ugmuscle.
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