How many IU’s in Somalong


I have a few questions - how many IU’s in Somalong… So I would post here:

Units IU (international units) is the first international standard, which arose at the turn of the 1980s, whose goal was the international harmonization of complex biological substances, such as insulin, growth hormone, and blood coagulation factors, fsg, lg. Before the advent of biotechnological methods, raw materials were obtained from animal organs, corpses, etc. The IU method is based on tests with animals, when they take a group of rodents, inject a substance and watch the response, according to markers: weight, blood, growth rate, etc., etc. With the advent of biotechnological methods of synthesis, and the expansion of analytical tools: chromatography, peptide mapping , mass spectrometry, methods of biosimilar assessment have appeared (when, by the similarity of structures, we say, yes, this insulin is similar to this one). IU - throwback

Somalong cannot be compared with native rHRH, due to the fact that its behavior in the body is different, the effects are different.

Our reccomendation is to start with 0.1ml for each 10kg weight. Than you can increase or decrease based on how you feels and bloods
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