How much time after Sustanon to start PCT


Well-known member
18 week cycle of Sustanon 500 a week with 300 NPP added at week 8

Last pin was June 23rd. I started HCG now before it exits 750 three times a week and when I start PCT I’ll drop HCG

I have Clomid, Nolva, and Rolaxifene

Question is how long til Sustanon is out of my system

And general dosage for Clomid and Nolva?
Ester weights and active lives Steroid Profiles
Ester weights and active life. The mgs below are the estimated amount of active hormone you get per 100mg of ester and active hormone. Boldenone base: 100mg Boldenone acetate: 83mg Boldenone Propionate: 80mg Boldenone Cypionate: 69mg Boldenone Undecylenate: 61mg Clostebol Base: 100mg Clostebol Acetate: 84mg Clostebol Enanthate: 72mg Drostanolone Base: 100mg Drostanolone Propionate: 80mg Drostanolone Enanthate: 71mg Methenolone Base: 100mg Methenolone Acetate: 82mg Methenolone Enan…
15 days you will still have test in your system. I’m not familiar with sus. This all just going off the longest ester in your sus. Maybe someone with more experience with it will be able to direct you better.
That’s what I was gonna say, but I’m jus not familiar with sus. Plus the 19 nor shutdown.
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I may stay on test e for a few weeks till the nandro is starting to clear then stop and do the 2 week protocol
It’s been 6 days and if the Sust stays for a while the NPP should be out of my system right

Read up on it says to start 18 days after Sustanon last pin
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4-6wks minimum last time I ran 20wks sust decca I was still making gains 6wks out so I would actually wait until you feel your workout start to flatten between 4-6wks brother @GillyTheKid

Clomiphene 100/100/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Split your doses morning and night it will help side effects any vision problems drop the clomiphene

Roloxifine? I thought that they stopped producing it?
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