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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Wanted to give a quick shout out to @Omegaman .
Started his gear a few weeks back and posted my labs so you guys can take a peek at those numbers.
Today I just wanted to talk about his customer service, it is out fucking standing. @John hope you like that reference.
I reached out to Omegaman a week ago when I realized I needed a few more things for my contest prep and even though he’s on vacation he took the time to get back to me. Not only did he get back to me he quickly mentioned my labs and current usage and made some recommendations to my cycle which my coach and I had just changed. So he was spot on.
Another way he went above and beyond was by waiving the min order for me which allowed me to place a small order without breaking g the bank.
So as far as service and ease of ordering @Omegaman is top notch. Being 100% transparent I did mention that I upped my primo another 100mg per week because I hadn’t seen the result that I feel I should have. That being said it’s only been a few weeks and I did start my weekly dose lower than normal based upon his description of potency.
Sorry that was long winded but want Ed to let everyone k ow my experience so far. As you all know I’d be the first to blast them if they sucked ass but so far so good
Hey K, great post appreciate you brother. As far as the primo, give it more than a few weeks as primo enanthate takes time to kick in. Also, my normal dose on primo E is currently 200mg per week divided into 100mg doses every 3 days, along with 250mg of test e per week. For me 200mg of primo e is the sweet spot. Everything is pure, so you don’t need to go high on the oils for sure. The primo is top notch, look forward to seeing the results, again just give it time. You’re also taking several compounds, just keep track of what’s doing what. The reason why I suggested to drop down the tren ace a bit is because tren’s main purpose is to stop muscle catabolism. Yes it adds aggression to the workouts and makes you harder, but most people get the wrong idea that tren will build ample amounts of mass which is not necessarily correct. When doing tren, I always recommend anyone taking it to “microdose” 25mg a day at the most, and maybe bump it up a litle 10 days before going on stage, after pulling out the test. Doing higher doses of tren can cause more damage to your insides than what it’s worth. Just my two cents, once you guys get to know me, you’ll know from my standpoint less is better, especially with harsh compounds ike tren. Even primo, when some guys are taking upwards near 800 to a gram a week, 200mg is quite plenty for the results desired. Again, give primo a few more weeks as it can take a bit of time to kick in. Look forward to your progress K, and I hope you kick ass at your show. Again, thank you for the kind words, heading back from vacation tonight!

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I’m on week 3 of 16 for Omega Primo at 350mg week plus TRT at 175mg week.
After reading @Omegaman i am thinking of bumping it down to 1:1 ratio to 200mg/wk.

My motor is better in the Box so far, but Ima waiting on it to kick in aesthetically as well.
I’m not getting on stage at 205lb 12-15% BF so expectations are mitigated slightly.

I was planning on finishing it off the last 6 weeks with Var at 25mg a day if my SHBG levels get above single digits too.
Welcome sir. I edited out your post.

Please go to introduction section and introduce yourself. Nothing identifiable just basic stats goals etc.

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