I would like some advice with ACCUTANE


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In high school I would get acne on my shoulders and back from sports and of course puberty. Throughout my twenties I had no acne at all . Just like a lot of people I started my 1st cycle and after 8nweeks the acne showed up. I was able to combat the acne with keeping my e2 under control at lower test doses but when I start blasting it’s almost impossible to keep the acne away. I just started tanning again which helps . I take zinc morning night 50mg a day and I change my sheets every 2 days . I want to try accutane so what’s everyone’s story with acne and combating on cycle.
Ive used accutane when I was young during puberty. I have never used it during or after a cycle but I can say that accutane is a very powerful drug with alot of bad side effects.
It does work though.
I wouldn’t use it while on cycle because of the toxicity to the liver and kidneys.
If after your cycle you still have what’s called cystic acne accutane is a good choice but I would try using an antibiotic like doxycycline or something like that first to see if that works. I would only use accutane as a last resort.

I use products containing sycilic acid. Im definitely sure I spelled that wrong but it helps me to control my acne basically down to almost none at all. You can get it in liquid, soap, and facial scrubs.
Your best bet in treating acne would be a combination of treatments. Using each one to combat the build up of oils, cleaning your pores and shrinking your pores. My wife gets hormonal acne and has since she was a teen. Use OTC meds that contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and skin tightening agents. I’ll pop back in and post up what my wife uses when I get home. I wouldnt use accutane if you paid me and antibiotics can work but you have to remember what antibiotics do to your immune system and immune response. Also a good practice is to use cold water after thoroughly washing the affected areas. That will help to shrink the pores after they have been cleaned. Then use your treatments. To further the process along. Shit, this is turning into a longer post than I intended but I figured I would also toss out that my wife just saw a Naturalist Doctor and figured out that a good bit of the reason why she is experiencing such outbreaks is because her progesterone levels are actually too low in her body. If that’s the case with you, then you may have to find something to aide in raising your progesterone. Apparently as your natural test levels decrease and your estrogen begins to rise, progesterone begins to drop as well. Now I’m basing this off of a womans hormone balances but it could be the same. I just wanted to cover all the basic knowledge I have on the matter to give you some better insight and maybe some different avenues of approach here.
Brother @Bigmurph @Ironside I am glad you both advice against using the accutane on cycle. I will check out the antibiotic route and eat tons of probiotics while taking them . And for the otc acids I’m going tonight to pick up some new washes. My wife cleans my back and takes really good care of me. She is great with injecting my rear delts for me since I cant reach lol thank you brothers
I’m 27 and had acne since a teenager I always use benzoyl peroxide 10% face wash followed but benzoyl peroxide cream and use knock off icy pads through out the day and that keeps it manageable , I have really oily skin and cycle makes it super oily but before I started accutane I came across a product on amazon called acnetame it’s $27 a bottle with great reviews and I’ve been on it a month and I’m haven’t had no acne on my back or bad break outs in my face it’s definitely worth checking out especially without all th sides effects that acnetane causes
Awesome brother thank you . I’m going to give this a try as well. I’m thinking I’m also going to come off my blast early . I scheduled it for 16 weeks 500test 450 deca and I think the dbol 1st 4 weeks was a huge jump to my cycle but I’m getting uncontrollable sides. Bloodwork is regularly done . I’m thinking I need to come off completely and restart when my panels come back regular . Shorter blasts with shorter esters @Bigmurph