Injectable Anadrol Constant Pump


Well-known member
I stopped taking orals many years ago for other reasons and have never used injectable dbol/adrol, but due to some positive feedback you guys were sending me on our stuff, so 2.5 weeks ago I added our injectable anadrol into a cycle Ive already been on for 10 weeks where the gains were starting to get stagnant which I experience in the 4th quarter of my cycles unless I continue to up calories.

I’m actually surprised how the past week has been going as far as strength and size! I also am experiencing something different and the best way I can explain it is I constantly have a pump sensation just sitting around doing nothing throughout the day, very similar to the pump you get after working out just not as intense and I seem to stay hard and vascular throughout the day as well. Anyone else taking it felt this or experienced it in the past? I’m loving it!! - UNITED

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That’s pretty interesting, I recently tried liquid drol and I gotta say I was pretty unimpressed with it compared to the results I get on dbol at a quarter the dosage of what I was taking with drol. Maybe it was the source? Maybe I just don’t respond well to it when it comes to size, it definitely helped with strength but once again dbol gives me way more strength gains and size at low doses. What’s your preference? I may have to give your drol a shot though!
Last time I took either was so many years ago I cant recall which I prefer. I hopped on just because I’ve gotten good such good feedback on it, its our own UNITED GEAR line Inject Adrol.
Okay bro, I really appreciate a source sharing their personal experiences on their own products. Keep up the good work! Definitely going to give your gear a run soon.
@UNITED I am oral free as well and recently started thread concerning injectable DBOL. DBOL and Anadrol were my go to orals at one point in time. I would run Dbol 25mg in the am and Anadrol 50mg in the pm in certain situations.

My question is what is your overall opinion of injectable Anadrol after your personal use?

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
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Thanks. I do appreciate the involvement and input @MBTJR1980

I might be expecting too much but I am really looking for more detailed experience with the injectable version vs. oral. I might just be stuck experimenting myself to get the information I need because I really don’t have any specific question(s). It ain’t a hack on anyone here. I think it is just nobody kept a detailed cycle log to reference and relying on memory is subjective at best.

I guess what I mean to say is I am looking for more detailed information than ‘uncaged beast’ and ‘skin splitting pumps’. I think you get where I am coming from.
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I can add a little to this, but keep in mind I stopped using orals a long time ago due to the toxicity and feeling like Sh*t do to it. I used the injectable version recently with amazing results, end of week 1 is when the pumps started kicking in to the point where I couldnt due back without using straps because my hand pumps wouldnt allow me to grip the bar.

week 2 is where I noticed the strength gains and the strength gains never really stopped coming, each week when I revisited the same lift as previous week the same weight felt lighter each week.

Week 3 is where I started to notice the extra size I was putting on, not to mention I experienced this constant fullness feeling and look best way to describe it was a constant pump as mentioned in the OP in this thread.

The downfall was the toxicity around week 6 I could just feel something wasnt right and by week 7 I decided it was best to drop the adrol inject all together. hindsight is if I was taking orals I would have felt toxic much sooner usually around week 5 I can tell my body needs to come off.

Hope this helps @SemperFi thx, - UNITED
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@Fitraver I have done that protocol one time but in all honesty I found it less beneficial than a 6 week consistent exsposure. I have never used abombs midcycle and have only made it a part of a kick start for longer esters.
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I ran it for about 5 weeks and thats when i noticed the toxic feeling creeping in and also i started to plateau with it. Strength and pumps werent increasing anymore and appetite started to decrease that was my time to stop. Overall very impressed and did exactly what i wanted it to do which was kick start my cycle while waiting for eq to start working. Another awesome profuct from my boss hog United!