Internet scams, email scams, related to steroids and like in general


Internet Scams and eMail Scams

It seems nowadays like they are all over and only continuing to grow in numbers which tells me that these scams are working. I don’t go one day without receiving some type of scam email related to steroids, jobs, lotteries and so many more.As bad as this might sound I enjoy reading them because it baffles me that some of these scams are actually working.

The saddest part about alot of these scam emails and the internet scams are that there targeting the elderly and also people that are already in distress then they will also target people’s greed for money.
They take advantage of the elderly by using the fact that they are not as technologically savvy as most younger people are. This in my opinion makes these types of scammers the complete scum of the earth.

These scams include donation scams and billing scams but also phishing scams to collect information and then comes identity theft and they can leave an elderly person with nothing left to there name money wise or credit wise. This truly disgusts me when I hear about people taking advantage of the elderly.

There is a big scam that has been happening for a very long time and is common. You probably don’t read your credit card statements extremely closely. Some do but most don’t especially because the names next to the charges alot of times don’t match up with any place that you know.

These scammers will create a company with many shell companies behind it that eventually end up in a popular banking nation with relaxed banking laws.

They will get your credit card number and instead of making a huge charge they will make one charge every month over and over for 1$ or something like that. They make millions every month because no one disputes a small dollar charge and they hit 10 million cards for a dollar that gives them 10 million a month give or take. Its all computerized and extremely profitable for them.

Watch out for strange changes on your cards that are small in size. Some have even made there company names to sound like a fee of some kind to make you think that its just a small fee you needed to pay somewhere for using your card.

The other type of scam emails ive been seeing are ones that take advantage of people who are out of work and will do anything to try and get a job. These people will take any type of job that’s offered to them because there the type of people who don’t want to take advantage of abusing the system of unemployment and other benefits.

There usually the type of people that want those benefits to go to people that they believe actually need them or they just have to much pride to ask for help from the systems set up to help someone in there position.

The lottery scams started out from what I know in Africa saying that someone won a contest and to collect there money they would need to send a fee to facilitate its delivery. Then now you have people sending official looking lottery emails with the letter head and an email address that looks just like the original lottery email address but is off by just a semi different domain or a spelled different email address.

There are also programs that allow entities to get your email address if you have written it in public anywhere online. So as an example your email here is blacked out so that bots and crawlers can’t retrieve it. If you do though make your email address public in anyway and anywhere on the internet or even click on a link from your email account that isn’t from a protected source like ugm. Then you have exposed your email address and you will get spam and scams instantly.

You also have shady online sites that sell your information and not just your email address any and all information that they have collected through cookies and what you have given to them willingly. They sell this information to anyone who is willing to pay for the list that they have collected and these are just some of the ways and the reason that most of you probably receive more spam email than actual email that you want to receive.

In almost all situations where you receive an email from a source offering to sell you products at a discount and you don’t know how they got your email address. This should be a huge red flag telling you to automatically report it as spam. Some of these offers might even look like they have come from a top notch source. They most likely haven’t and sometimes they might have but if you’re going to even be interested in what it says you should always check the exact email address that it was sent to you from. If its a gmail address or any other address that isn’t a domain you can almost always assume that it is not coming from the actual source that they claim to be associated with or affiliate with.

Sometimes you will even receive an email that has a domain that you recognize as a top notch source. Check with the sources actual website before moving forward or even returning a response. Don’t ever click on a link that you don’t know is a trusted link in an email. I have seen plenty of fake emails over the years that actually pay to have a domain name attached and its a scam. They will create a website that the domain is almost exactly like the actual source’s domain and then usually offer a promo that you think is amazing.

I have seen a pattern where they usually say that you are a vip client or a special client. Something along those lines that will make you believe that the email was only sent to certain individuals. They will do this and in the email also ask that you don’t tell others about the email because they have only sent it to a lucky few LOL.

This should be seen as a huge red flag because no source operates like this and if they were to operate like that they definitely will not mind you contacting them directly to verify the email and that it came from them.

I have even seen email scams from former employees of some sources who go rogue and have been fired so they have the ability to send out emails like this that look authentic but are completely fake and the employee is trying to ruin their name because of being fired and is also trying to steal as much money as possible.

Watch out for emails that also say that they are from the lab that a source sells. These emails usually say that there offering a from factory discount to you for using there products in the past. They don’t know if you have or haven’t but they are playing the numbers game sending out so many that maybe atleast 1/4 have used that lab and would like to get from factory pricing. This never happens. From the factory pricing is only given to bulk orders of way more than anyone could use in a lifetime.

I have written this because I want to let everyone know that they should talk to there family and loved ones about scams that they have seen. Especially your family members who might be older and that could be taken advantage of by a technological scam.

Then also think about it yourself to stay safe from these scammers the amount of money that is collected through internet scams a year is estimated to be in the trillions.

These scammers need to be shut down and the way to do that is to talk about it and inform others not to fall for these scams.

I hate thieves and that’s what a scammer is and at we will always do our best to inform you about any scam or scammers that we know about.

Be vigilant especially around the upcoming holiday season. This I believe is when scammers are most active.

Thanks and be careful brothers and sisters
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My grandma was my best fried. These scams make me absolutely sick. One thing that angers me more than anything in this world is the mistreatment of elderly.
I couldn’t agree more its sick that some of these scumbags only target the elderly but its ok if they get caught they usually don’t hold up well behind closed doors. They get what they deserve once they get locked up.