Just 3 pieces of advice

I have to say when I first read “the station” it was on the floor, folded, on the Subway . First, I had to break a rule to read it. Never touch anything on the floor, seat , etc of the "EL or any public trans…and when you read it , it was weird I read it on a train at 16. Did I get it…nope. I thought its meaning was different. To everyone, at different stages it might have different connotations. I am not a catchphrase type but… I learned to laugh at myself and my grandiose plans a lot more. I have been blessed with an open mind, being able to step back and not regret or have resentments. I couldn’t tell a younger myself much because I knew it all until I didn’t. Life has a way of evening shit out by knocking the fucking wind out of ya. I gotta comment on the nice heart shaped clean asses of our beautiful ladies. Fast forward to the constipation and the leakage or some other things that go on during and after menopause…maybe…but again it has a way of coming full circle. So I guess get it in now. While the test is at a gram.

Tucked away in our subconscious minds is an idyllic vision. We see
ourselves on a long, long trip that almost spans the continent. We’re
traveling by passenger train, and out the windows we drink in the passing
scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of
cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant,
of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains
and rolling hills, of biting winter and blazing summer and cavorting
spring and docile fall.

But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a
certain hour we will pull into the station. There will be bands playing,
and flags waving. And once we get there, so many wonderful dreams will come
true. So many wishes will be fulfilled and so many pieces of our lives will
finally be neatly fitted together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. How
restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes for loitering…waiting,
waiting, waiting, for the station.

However, sooner or later we must realize there is no one station, no one
place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The
station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us.

“When we reach the station, that will be it!” we cry. Translated it means,
“When I’m 18, that will be it! When I buy a new 450 SL Mercedes Benz, that
will be it! When I put the last kid through college, that will be it! When
I have paid off the mortgage, that will be it! When I win a promotion, that
will be it! When I reach the age of retirement, that will be it! I shall
live happily ever after!”

Unfortunately, once we get It, then It disappears. The station somehow
hides itself at the end of an endless track.

“Relish the moment” is a good motto, especially when coupled with Psalm
118:24: “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be
glad in it.” It isn’t the burdens of today that drive men mad. Rather, it
is regret over yesterday or fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin
thieves who would rob us of today.

So, stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more
mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot oftener, swim more rivers,
watch more sunsets, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived as we go
along. The station will come soon enough.

By Robert J. Hastings
Thanks for sharing man that actually found me well, like you said it can apply to different people as a different forum of a message…

It just came at the right time, because after jiujitsu class yesterday I walked up to a NEW guy and introduced myself and we ended up just sitting there in our own little zone talking for about 45min, and just about random things in life… moral of my rant, it was much like the story you shared the station… we talked about the power of the universe and such, and we just had a great great convo man…

awesome share my dude!
Thats is a beautiful poem man! It truly found my heart and made me think about myself and how much i say all that shit to myself in my own head. I also find myself stressing about the future so often that i dont really ever enjoy the here and now, i cant live in the moment because im too focused on what i have to get done tomm. Its an endless obsession and it robs me of a lot of happiness. Thank you for sharing im going to save that poem on my phone!
I gotta say I always said my soul(wink, wink) should have been with the 70s , 80s bodybuilding crew or with landrew and the Seattle grunge scene. With the former I could of still been big and different. The latter I would of died…I struggle with the world as it stands today. I tried to make it smaller and look 100 strangers might be reading this. I hope I’m 100 % wrong but I think most of us live from distraction to distraction. We name them school, work , kids, parents, illness, caretaking, ad nauseum. It could be 180, 200, 225…test only…test and deca , …test tren masteron…I’m probably giving mine a name. But, if anyone can relate and I know it was scripted…maybe… In pumping iron when Arnold spoke of the pump…besides the blowing loads all day, that hour or hour in a half. I don’t and never have panicked, bills, just weight reps and the connection. I’m the one that can and does pose sometimes between sets( off by myself) seeing some new vein, being pumped. The weight feels light that day. Its awesome, then to eat. Its just a little less now, but my mind was so focused on stretch squeeze and plus the Neuro stuff going on…love it. Couple things are truly close, a couple things I’d have to admit are close but aren’t to be polically correct…the rest I give it back!
Your plain nuts 10 years my junior. At 33 some good wins and Mr Lonnie teper was humping me. I was gonna be 260 shredded…not really …but…then ill never forget Chris cook won the USA and my pal took second. I couldn’t touch either so I decided to play softball 275 running out a ground ball to third… I thought I was going fast😉 pulled up with a hamstring snap. And then my patellar tendon crack…all totaled patellar tendon, posterior (pcl) ligament, ended up being like a trauma call. Never felt the same…actually I really think the legs look fine but I was scared to load up weight ever since. Even deads never felt the same and I won teen nats and did seniors all before twenty so I wuz crazeeel too. I don’t know what the Fuckin point was but you guys make me wanna be going berserk sometimes! Then @SemperFi brings in some realty check when he said the big dosage big gain days are coming to an end. I don’t even have a clue what my trt would be. Its gotta have growth even though I leave that out now ! I believe one can be healthy on a blood level of 1.5 high normal…like 1500ng and add in one 12 week cycle a year. Training fast with super and giant sets, doing cardio for cardio vascular reasons, eating overall less and yes fruits and veggies. Our digestive system and physical tract take a beating all these years.
I think my point was I was much more psycho in the gym before that happened. By psycho I mean lifting heavier having no fear , etc. Ok I remembered.