Kidney pain?


Well-known member
Currently on week 3 of 50mg tbol daily and test c 300 weekly. I’m suffering from pretty bad back pain in the kidney region. It started about 3 days ago and seems to be getting worse. I’m taking n2 guard with the tbol and drinking 1-1.5 gallons of water a day. Could this possibly be kidney related or the back pumps everyone is talking about? Any way to tell? i don’t want to stop 3 weeks in and it turn out to be a tweaked back or something.
I’d get some blood done to double check. You can have pre existing conditions and not know about it until in cycle and putting extra stressors on your body. Get your kidneys and liver check out with a full blood panel.
Many times when i started my cycles felt the same way, according to personal experience: 1- test flu 2- achenes from methylated compound as tbol, specially in the lower spinal area. As you go further in your cycle the test flu should go in a few days; now the pain in your lower back will be extremely hard to differentiate from kidney pain. in my personal experience that is one of the sides i get from anadrol, d-bols…you might be like me…have you used them before? if continue kidney problems usually alter color of urine or pain during urination happens as well. Listen to your body, dont guess around as i said if pain is persistent get checked out will need kidney panel
This is why i dont mess with orals too much problems and too much stress on body! Get blood work done bro to be safe its your health you are playing around with
I took some Bayer which helped but I’m gonna schedule some bloodwork. I am gonna lay on some heat tonight and see if that helps as well. Thanks for the advice guys. Each cycle is a learning experience!
Well after pain most the night I woke up with slightly bloody urine. I’m done with the tbol. It’s not worth the risk. Il stay on the testosterone and next time run injection only. I’m gonna keep talking the liv52 and hopefully this clears up. Injections bypass the liver and kidneys right?
If you have blood in urine go get your blood work checked at minimum. Steroids in general put a strain on liver just not as much as orals.
By any chance are you taking creatine?

Don’t take anything for granted my friend. Particularly your health. Go get checked like has been advised. It might be nothing but you got to know! Your issue might not be steroid related. If you have good relationship with your medical professional be brutally honest. You might be surprised by how helpful they might be.
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Doc did a urinalysis and a xray of my abdomen. I have quite a bit of blood inmy urine. He said he doesn’t see anything out of place but he believes it’s probably a kidney stone. Wants to give it a few days and have me check back. Do orals cause kidney stones?
Steroids effect kidney function and can cause severe health issues. As far as kidney stones that generally has to do with salt or mineral build up so many factors come into play to develop kidney or gull bladder stones and usually is not associated to a single contributor.

I am not a doctor but I do play one on tv. 😉
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Well I had a ct scan and no stones. He started me on bactrim and 2 days later the pain went away and I quit pissing blood. Doc thinks it was kidney infection? I have been off the tbol since Monday. I’m still on the test cyp at 300 a week. Would it make sense to start the tbol for the remaining 4 weeks or should I not chance it again? Any opinions guys? I was only on it a little over 3 weeks at 50 mg a day.
@Gingerlifter is that a serious question? If I was in your position I would put my overall health first and ensure I do not add any stress to my kidneys so they can properly heal.

There is always the next cycle to consider adding in an oral. Or you may consider avoiding them all together.

Glad to hear that you are feeling better but I am concerned without a definitive diagnosis your doctor is simply treating symptoms. If it was me I would want to know exactly what my condition was.

Good thoughts your way!
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He ran about every test possible. A ct scan revealed a lesion on my right kidney which after a second ct scan with iv dye determined it was just a normal non cancerous polyp. He said 50 percent of the population have then and don’t even know it. My kidney function was good , the blood tests revealed nothing abnormal, and aside from blood there was nothing else in my urine. He said there were only 2 possibilities , a kidney infection or I injured it in some way (maybe doing heavy deadlifts Friday). I do appreciate the advice though and I’m just going to finish the cycle with just test. Il use the 4 weeks worth of tbol on my next cycle in the fall.
I’m so jealous of the health plans you guys must have.

With my crazy expensive basic plan, id be out 12k in deductibles and copays.
I rely mostly on webmd and labs md
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