Looking for some Cycle advise


Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Looking for some help putting together a cycle with gear that I have on hand. @Bigmurph
Thank you all in advance.
Test E
Winny V
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The first few questions are going to be obvious but we need some insight here.

Current stats, current goals, cycle experience and how much you have on hand is quite important for us to help you out here.

Give us a little info and I guarantee we can help you design a stack for your goals pending your nutrition and fitness are in check.
Thank you. I am currently about 185, 7-8%. I was a competitive bodybuilder as a young man now I’m 45 y/o firefighter and I compete in Crossfit. Looking to put on little eight stay lean but be stronger and faster. I have a degree in ex phy’s and have been a strength coach for 20+ years plus I am certified nutritionist.
On hand I have
2xtestE 400
4x primo 100mgx10cll
10 winy v 50mgper ml
3 EG
50 1 ml parabolin ampules
Thank you in advance
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My opinion which others will be different is that you don’t have a good combination but then again it will work but you will need AI/PCT/CABER

Testosterone enanthate 600-800mg
Parabolon 75mg 3x a wk
Winny as a finisher

Proper pct unless trt is already implemented
Diet is how you will reach your goals.
High protein
Medium carb
Low fat

I’m confused about the winny is it 10 amps 50mg or 10 tabs 50mg or 10 vials at 10ml 50mg?

Also the eg I believe that you meant Eq but 1 vial? How much?

I would either go big with a testosterone enanthate cycle with the winny as a finisher and parabolon throughout.
I can’t give you doses because I’m not really sure what you have but I’m guessing 75mg parabolon amps.

Keep the primo for another run because you will have testosterone left over and can run a low testosterone and 400mg 10wk primo run but I would recommend to stock up on more primo to run with it.

Good luck and good gains brother
Thank you,
I do have plenty of HCH and Femara for estrogen.
The winny is 10 ml bottles from alpha labs and I have 3 10ml bottles of EQ. The parabolin is 75.
I’ve ordered GH but has not arrived. Open to order more gear, thoughts? These are all compounds I’ve used over the years and tolerate well.
Diet is always high protein (50g) per meal carbs around 150-200 per day. Krill oil and lots of veggies
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I believe that is your best bet winny and parabolon will keep you ripped and the testosterone does what testosterone does.

I would still have some caber even though winny will help with progesterone
Based off of your goals and what you currently have on hand, I’m inclined to agree with Big Murph about the compound selection. Now if you’re willing to get more Primo then we have a different discussion on our hands.

Week 1-14 Test E 600/wk
Week 1-12 Parabolan 75mg EOD
Week 6-12 Winni 50mg/day

Adding Primo?

Week 1-16 Test E 750/wk
Week 1-16 Primo 800/wk
Week 10-16 Winni 50mg/day
I don’t think EQ is worth the risks the higher in age we get. With the blood pressure issues and the higher hemotocrit issues, it’s really not worth the risk. You could run it as a sidecar at 300 to 400mg with minimal risk but even that loses its appeal when you typically have to run it 16 to 20 weeks with minimal gains.

GH… that’s another animal. Have you ever used GH in the past? Start slow at 2iu a day for 2 to 3 weeks. Then take it to 3iu for another few weeks and so on. If it’s Chinese generic, you could get away with 6 to 8iu a day for a few months. If it’s pharmaceutical you may want to stay closer to 4 to 6iu a day. GH is a slow starter and you have to run it for 3 to 6 months to really get some decent benefits but it’s worth it if you can stick it out.
Hgh is always a great addition I didn’t know that you had hgh.
Start with 2iu before bed see how it effects you.
Some get groggy and sleepy almost high others have no problems it depends upon your diet if you have enough carbs you should be good and you can go up to 3-5iu and even split the dose if wanted but I believe if you split the dose you should use 2iu mourning and 2iu night I would stick with just night dose
Me personally id run
500mg test e split mon wed Friday
to keep the sides minimum but stay anabolic. And the rest i agree with @Bigmurph and @Ironside . Keep the carbs around training and cardio .
Thank you for all the help. Any recommendations on 200mg Primo?
Thank you in advance
Very few labs are making 200mg Primo. Shit is expensive as is but you can check through our verified sponsors to see who has what.
I’ve seen Dragon pharm, wasn’t sure if there was any feedback on it