Low dose Deca for next cycle

I stayed away from deca for years cuz I had a bad experience with the dreaded “deca dick”. So I tried npp and fell in love with it and it was my main go to for good lean size gains cause I always eat healthy for the most part. When I used npp all I ever had to do is 400mg week. I ventured up to 600 few times but realized I didn’t need to cuz gains were still great at 400. So earlier this year I decided to finally give regular deca another try. But the difference is this time I added in Masteron to help with any libido issues that may arise just to get the extra strength from it as well. It was the smartest decision I made. It ended up being one of my all time favorite cycles I ever did and the gains were so clean consistent and not watery either. Appetite was through the roof and I felt like a million bucks. The cycle I ran was
600 test/400deca/200mast . So if anyones afraid to try deca my advice is your missing out on one of if not the best mass gaming compounds ever made. If
Your scared of the libido issues do what I did and add Masteron or I’m sure even Proviron would work as well. I just prefer mast cuz it has more benefits and it ends up coming out way cheaper