MAREK health inquiry


Well-known member
Has anyone had any experience with Marek health for TRT?
i did the initial consultation with them and almost got the vibe that I just pay them the $1500 and they will ship me test?

i could be completely wrong, thats just how i felt after talking with them, seemed like they were trying to say something without actually saying it


yea my current doc was stupid cheap, I do know their co founder has a big following on social media, maybe thats why they charge so much?
also Marek is a specialist clinic directly geared towards helping people that use gear, maybe thats why its so damn expensive?
would the original post i made be appropriate for steroid cycles or steroid profiles? only asking so it will get viewed by more people, this section doesnt seem to get as much traffic as those 2 get
From their “how it works” section…

“We treat health care as a serious investment and so do the people who seek out our services. The average client at Marek Health happily spends $300 per month and reaps immeasurable returns when they utilize our service to its maximum potential” 😳